Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wow, I know this is late but it's been so busy I haven't had time to update! Christmas was great minus Bryson's sinus infection, but overall we had a great holiday. He really liked opening his presents he would pull a few pieces off and then i'd do the rest, he'd loose interest, he got lots of cool stuff he would go...ooooh oooh.. or wow! It was really funny We had christmas with Gma/Gpa Mossman and Barry, Jenny and Parker on the 23rd and then we went to see santa on the 24th morning it was really cute, bryson didnt' know what to think and he definately didn't smile, but at least he didn't cry!! Then christmas eve we went to gma/gpa Helds in Brussels, it was fun to see everyone, but I really missed my family too. Bryson entertained us all by climbing on all the boxes and being silly. We got to wake up at our house and have a little family christmas on christmas morning, it was nice, then that night we went to Aunt Elaines, bryson didn't know what to think of all the people..Sat we went to Aunt Nicki's and had christmas with Nana and Papa Schutte and Uncle Joe, it was fun, the boys got basketball goals and it was so cute to watch them, Cole really loved it! This weekend Gma&Gpa Stone(and Aunt Emma and Uncle Dillon) are coming to our house for a late Christmas, that will be fun. Until then we will be playing with lots of toys and celebrating new years! Bye Here are some pics of our whilwind christmas:

Friday, December 19, 2008

Wow, he's really getting older

I just can't believe my baby is one, it just doesn't seem right! I feel like I just had him!! He is so amazing and fun to watch, I can't believe how much they absorb and understand, it is just awesome!
He had his 12mth appt this week, he is:
24lbs- 75%
32.5" long-95%
he even got to stand on the big boy scale! he thinks he's big stuff climbing all over the tables messing with stuff. He got 5 shots, eeek.. he has been sick ever since. Bad cold, nasty snot from his nose and eyes, coughing, and then i discovered 3 molars trying to poke thru, 2 have broke, the other is very close. That will make 11 teeth once they are thur. Im so ready to be done with teething!
He is saying all kinds of stuff a few of his newest include.. 'nack' (snack, he's always hungry) cheese, tries to say drink, tries to say dude..they just don't come out totally! But he will try to repeat what you tell him to. He says bubbles, still says daaaaey all cute(heartwarming) he is obsessed with saying daeey all the time and running around towards the door looking for daddy, he is always really excited to see him when he gets home! He isn't wanting to say momma lately, he just follows me around like a puppy dog and pulls on my leg. He is into the snack drawer all the time and has a way of getting into anything he want. He was sitting there helping himself to handfuls of goldfish the other morning, he just cracks me up the s tuff he figures out. Bryson loves to get in all the cabinets and pull out all his toys too. So our house is always a mess till after bedtime!
Bryson loves to read books (the same ones over and over!), he's trying to learn the animals, it's really cute! Big into the RRRARR for the lion. and he started the monkey ..oooh ohh aw aw.. As of last week he is completely bottle free (he was only taking them at night and sometimes early am) and we are on big boy milk now too, he seems to like it! And mommy likes that she doesn't have to buy that expensive formula! So that's most of the new stuff around here!

We are geared up for Christmas, he likes opening presents so it should be fun to watch him. It will be fun to see family.

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

LOOK who is ONE today!

This is the birthday boy being dropped off at 'school' to play with his buddies, he brought a snack to share, orange sherbert and teddy grahams, yummy! I wish I could spend the day with him. Happy Birthday my sweet boy, mommy is so proud of you and loves you more than you could ever know!!

Saturday we had his party with our family and friends, Bryson was really excited to get all his new toys, he won't stay off the slide or out of the wagon, he loves dumping his new set of mega blocks all over the floor and I will ask him to help me put them away which he is great at, and then he will dump them again, and squeals/laughs, it's apparently hilarious! Bryson also likes his new tent and zebra toy and his new mini 4-wheeler, hes dying to get moving, hasn't figured out he needs to use his feet! He loved the balloons at the party, and plays with them alot too since they are still all around, I added a couple of cake pictures from saturday, he was pretty worn out by the time we had cake so he didnt' get as crazy/messy as I'd hoped- bad mommy didn't put enough icing on there.. he's getting some cupcakes tonight so we'll see what kind of mess he can make with that. Thanks to all our family and friends who made it to his special day, it really means alot to us! And the gifts were awesome!

Here is the cake Auntie and Mommy worked hard on for Bryson:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Elf Humor

Merry Christmas!!!!

I 'elfed' my family:

And my nephews:

Enjoy a good laugh, i know i did!!

Let us give Thanks

I'm a week late, but I just wanted a quick post about Thanksgiving, we are truly greatful for all our wonderful family and friends. I look at my son everyday and all the new stuff he does and I'm just soo greatful to have such a wonderful healthy child.
Last week we made our rounds trying to visit all our family it was fun, long and tiring, but we are glad we got to see everyone!
Here are some pics

Gpa's new puppy Gus:
Cutie Cousin Parker:
Mommy and Bryson
Auntie and Parker
Stinker and Daddy
Jeff and I with the boys

Bryson and Parker!
Sadly i don't have any of cousin cole and Bryson! maybe aunt nicki has some!!
THANKS again for all our friends and family that love and support us! See many of you saturday, big 1 for the B man!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cole came to visit..

Bubbles!! YAAAY! He loves bubbles, and can say it now, along with bringing them to you wanting to play.

My WINTER coat, aren't i cute??

He found a pen, he has kitty whiskers ;)

Now he LOVES his bumpo seat, way more now than he did when he was the right age for it, he even sits and watches cartoons in it! Go figure.

They were playing IN the diaper box, one was in, the other had to be too, tight fit! lol
These little mice like CHEESE!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wild Child!

Here are some recent pics of bryson being his normal wild self..i thought they were funny.

getting ready for destruction
like daddy's shoes..they almost fit.. lol

Unpacking from CO

more to come!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We just got back from our fun trip to Colorado to visit Ryan, Ellen and the boys! I guess you call it vacation since I was off work, but Bryson is alot of work, so it definately wasn't relaxing.

Since it's been said pictures are worth a thousand words, here are a few for you to see how wild my son is:

Here are some of the boys:

A few group shots:

some other cute ones-

We miss them all already, we had alot of fun, and we couldn't believe how good the boys were going out to eat, too bad we are so far apart, we would like to hang out more often. Hopefully next time Bryson won't be so onery and hit and take toys from Blake so much, but I won't hold my breath, something tells me we will have a whole other mess of things he's doing by then we'll wish it was the little stuff again! We can't wait to get all 4 mossman boys together, that will be fun!