Thursday, March 26, 2009


Wow, it's hard to believe we are almost halfway to 2! yikes, time flies. I just can't believe how big my little boy is now! He is really getting fun and loves to go outside. Everynight we walk to the mailbox and he opens and closes the mailbox for me and he searches the neighborhood for dogs, which occasionally they are out and he gets so excited, he LOVES dogs, anytime he sees them on tv he gets really excited also. He is really trying to talk alot more, he repeats pretty well, guess that means Jeff and I need to be careful with our words huh!? He was cracking us up this weekend saying TACO... TACO.. clear as day.. he says paper- he loves to get the paper each morning with daddy. and he is saying baseball when we see the cardinals on tv, i'm sure daddy will be working on the roster with him shortly. lol.
His recent appt he hasnt' grown all that much.. he is 25.6lbs, and 32.5" long, he runs around like crazy so he's really thinning out, he looks tall to me though! He just got over a nasty cold where we did breathing treaments, etc, it was NOT fun, thank god it's over he was like possesed on that medicine!
We are really encouraging his new found love of 'helping' he always wants to have his hands in everything. He pulls up a chair when i am making dinner to 'help' and he really loves making cookies, i let him dump in ingredients and use the hand held mixer (w/assistance) it is so cute to see that look of pride when he figures something out or helps with something, and with a new baby coming late summer, I feel I have to encourage this helping because I am really going to need it!
I think i've told you all he's moved up to the toddler room at daycare and he still has his sweet girlfriend 'Amera' they hug everytime they see eachother, and she follows him saying 'bycie, bycie' Im told they are quite the item and like to sit by eachother and feed eachother, so funny. I even saw him kiss her on the cheek the other day. Then a little thing happened last night leaving school that was kinda funny, another little girl at daycare really gets excited to see him, and tried to run up and hug him, and he pushed her away! I felt so bad, poor thing, i told bryson we be nice to our friends, but in my mind i had to laugh, he really is a one woman guy!
Bryson is in a possesive over mommy stage, he always wants me.. did i mention he only calls me daddy, he started refusing to say mama...wierd for the baby stuff, i really think he can sense that something is up being so clingy to me..when he sees my belly i point to my belly and say baby, which he usually just hits it..and i say no, we love the baby be nice, and he'll put his head on my belly or kiss it.. its so cute, i can't wait till the baby starts kicking him, i think that will be funny. but getting big will make carrying him very difficult.
Anyway, enough of my book, just wanted a little update on the cyclonian!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Im a Fishy

Hey guys, long time no see! Mom and Dad took me to their gym pool on saturday and it was so fun. I'm just like Nemo..mommy says i'm a little fishy! I love the water, it's like a big bath..that's what i called it...Bat Bat..(bath in bryson)

mommy got me some new nerf balls for the water, they were cool, but she stuffed me into my old swim diapers left from vacation. ..she said sorry, but i think that was way uncool..... u can see my bum!
I had fun hanging on daddy! Look at his silly goggles!
swimming on daddy's back
come on sea horse..giddy up!
im swimming!
what's up with this camera in my face!?

yeah...i know, Im cute, i got those blue eyes from dad. Sorry, Im taken, I do have a girlfriend right now sorry ladies..
there were some cool fish paintings on the wall
I was having fun running around and touching this wall.. I wasn't happy I didn't get to stay as long as I wanted, but it was a cool big bath and I want to go back soon!

1st Haircut

Hair Pictures as promised!



He looks kinda funny, lets be honest, i sorta miss my surfer boy! Man a haircut can really change them into a big kid fast!! It's starting to grow out since we did that in feb.. daddy wanted to give him a buzz....i said NO WAY!! maybe in a year or two!! i'm not ready for that yet!!