Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tooth Fairy

Pinch me, this isn't real, how is my first born growing up so fast??  Can you believe a few weeks shy of the big 5, Bryson lost his first tooth, and the one right next to it is pretty loose also!!   It was pretty funny, he mentioned it was kinda loose and i never thought much of it, his cousin cole lost his first tooth, in the same spot the wednesday before Thanksgiving, and that seemed early to me, then thru the weekend Bryson's tooth seemed to get even looser, I was actually scared to brush his teeth and hurt him, but no worries Grandma Pat, we still brushed!!   Anyway, I went to get him Monday after work and he runs up as his teacher is follwing me and he smiles his new smile, and i was like OH WOW! you lost it already!!  He was very proud and proceeded to tell me he swallowed it during snack, I couldn't help but laugh.  Miss Donielle told me he was eating snack and realized it was gone and they looked everywhere and he said I think I ate it.  Luckily he wasn't uspet because he knew the tooth fairy would still find him, and she did!  She gave him $3 on good faith that he really did loose that tooth :) The next morning he was SO excited to have his $3 and told all his friends at school, of course.        Crazy, I just can't believe he's so big already, but speaking of getting big.. I have posts about his baby brother coming soon!