Thursday, June 17, 2010

Baby RED Bear

a.k.a.- our sweet Nolan! Here is the story: Bryson has a new bear obsession the last few months and we play this game where he says.. AHH a bear, HIDE, mommy HIDE!! and we all have to hide or whatever and the baby is usually close behind, 'chasing' us.. i starting say.. look out, there is a baby bear, a baby red bear! so its kinda stuck around at night bryson will say tha talot..its so funny!
so, my apologies but, our home internet has been down so i can't get the pictures i've been wanting to post on here.. as soon as i can i will update with some new pics of the boys ..and i got a video of bryson feeding his baby red bear icecream and it was just soo cute! hopefully i can figure out how to get it on here!

my baby is 9 mths!? WHERE did all the time go!? it's CRAZY!! Im happy to see him thrive and grow and do new things, but part of me is so sad that he's getting to be such a big boy! His is everywhere and in everything, thinks he's such big stuff. Especially following big brother all around. Our checkup appt the other day went well, he's stayed at the 22.3 lbs for the last couple weeks (88% for his age) prob cause he is so active these days, and he is a tall boy at 30.25" (94% ) so they said he looks wonderful, and we agree! he has 6 big chompers now and that little bear loves to knaw on fingers and ANYthing he can get his hands on, he has decided he isn't much of a paci fan anymore, which it just fine by us!

i are coming!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More Stories

Wow..were to begin, Bryson is just full of funny stories lately and I keep promising myself I will write them down so I can go back and read them when he's older, but go figure, i keep forgetting to do it!
Bryson LOVES icecream, which has become a pretty good bargaining tool for mommy, ;) (should i admit that?) We buy him the small serving size containers in both 'ckocklate' and 'banilla' and he can choose one but usually begs for "just one more momma' like last night, last night after he ate all his dinner, i said yay you get ONE icecream, he picked ckocklate with whipped cream and chocolate chips for topping..(he's no dummy) so he finishes, and takes a bath and comes up with the cutest face and says ' just one popsicle mommy, just ONE!?" nodding his head (you said one icecream, so i get one popsicle too, right?) and runs to the freezer .. how am i supposed to say no..?? Im greatful for now that he is improving on sharing and thinking of others, funny story: we were all playing downstairs and he disappears and i hear some rusling going on, i go up the stairs to check, he is on his way down with an arm full of 3 icecreams and 3 baby spoons, he has the cutest grin on his face and says' here momma, dat for you, dese for me and DADDY" and walks off to find daddy all excited to give daddy his. It was just adorable! I shared mine with baby who of course loved his :) apparentlyhe was still hungry after i hear bryson saying 'stop eatin me!" i'm like what r u talking about? and i look down and the baby is just knawin on his knee! so had to seperate them for a bit, which doesn't last long because baby nolan always wants to be with big brother, and luckily big brother is pretty good about being nice and playing with his 'baby' he is VERY protective of his 'baby nolan' as well. They just make me melt watching them play together and Nolan just lights up and follows him around, and when bryson takes his s tuff he will lunge back and try to take it back or scream.. its funny! Nolan does pretty good with Bryson wallering him but Bryson is getting rougher and rougher and i have to watch closely or his gets his arms around his neck to tight.. It won't be long till there is some major wrestling going on in the Mossman house, watch out!
Nolan is doing a 'crawl and butt scoot' that is just hilarious to watch, he gets everywhere he needs to go, just isn't in a major hurry to hit the milestones quickly, which is FINE by me!! he is pulling up on everthing, his favorite is bryson's firetruck chair when big brother is watching cartoons, its so cute! He likes to just let go and will just be standing there, then plop down on his rear! He now has 6 teeth, and last week was 22lbs, hes my big guy! hes saying dadda and baba..but refuses to say mama even tho i am clearly his favorite person!! grr! oh well, in time i'll wish he couldn't yell MMMAAAMMMA all the time right!?
Bryson remembers so many things, it's crazy, i gotta watch myself! One cute story about that real quick: We were driving to Alton a few weekends ago and Jeff swerved and said, yikes I hit a turtle, and he got upset saying, daddy hit turtle!! I said no, don't worry, we don't hit turtles you tell daddy that.... so he's saying, daddy, we don't hit turtles!" the next weekend, doing the same drive in almost the same spot he looks up and says.. 'we don't hit turtles daddy!" Jeff and I just looked at eachother and laughed!
I know I had alot of cute bryson stories, but since i had the time to get on here, i went blank! i'll be back when my memory returns!