Friday, May 13, 2011

May Update

The boys are just growing like crazy and my baby 'red bear' is definately NOT a baby anymore, I have got to stop calling him that, even Bryson calls him' BABY' i've telling him, lets call him Nolan, not baby, but we all do it, but we'll have to get thru it by Dec since he won't be our 'baby' anymore. We are expecting #3 Dec 17th, one day off of Bryson's due date, so I figure they will have very close birthdays!
I've been trying to talk to Bryson about the 'baby in mommy's belly' he acts like he gets it, he's a pro going thru this before, right? So I've asked him a few times, do you want a baby brother or sister, and i get different answers but usually it's a baby brother, and I ask the next obvious question, what would you want to name him, he replies.. Baby Nolan....I chuckle and say, bryson, your brother's name is already Nolan, this new baby needs its own name. Well, okay, "BATMAN", (or buzz) what a perfectly great name for a brother, wouldn't u say? Naming him after your favorite character's, we thought it was funny. The next time I asked him he said "brother, NO...maybe a sister, I want a baby Avery like Cole has". So, I guess he will be happy with whichever sex we have, but we won't know until dec because Jeff has made it very clear he really wants to be surprised the day of the birth. I am trying really hard to get myself on board with this idea, it's just difficult with the planner side of me and being so busy with 2 kids already, doing everything afterward will be a challenge ! I'm really trying to get into it tho.
We decided we will do bunkbeds in Bryson's room and attempt to put the boys together, Bryson is really wanting a big boy bed and has said repeatedly I want bunk beds mom! The other night out of the blue he says: " Mom, the baby needs a bed!? " All concerned. I said, well, if you get bunk beds maybe the baby can have yours? He thought about it, well, okay, i do want bunk beds. I told him go talk to your dad about that! So, the hunt for the right beds are on!

So, other than ready to get a big bed, he loves playing outside, and playing on the ipad, he is a little whiz at it too, stinker! He really is a smart, independent, lovable kid, and very onery boy!!

Nolan is growing like a weed, he had his first hair cut the other night! it was really cute, he was so good, the entire time he was so concerned about his bed 'lovey' friend, his lion he so cleverly calls ' raaar', which he carries EVERYwhere, wants to eat and bathe with it, (it does need a bath, BAD) and he says it so sweet when he wants him almost in a whine... 'raar?" raar, luckily we got thru the cut by hiding rar for a bit and giving him a sucker he enjoyed even if it was covered with hair! I was so happy the curls didn't disappear and that he didn't freak out during the cut. We celebrated with some icecream after, and they loved it. He's really trying to talk a lot more and is very interested in anything big brother has, which Bryson isn't always okay with. They get along for the most part but we have daily fights over toys, especially color changer cars which are bryson's most prized possessions.

that's my update for now... until next time!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Disney cont. -Part 2

Here is the only pic I got of our best day, at Blizzard Beach, we had so much fun, Nolan loved the little slides and running free, we made the long treck up the stairs to the family raft ride a few times and Bryson really liked it, Nolan wasn't so sure, but never cried! Bryson and daddy tried out a few fun slides while Nolan and I went for a float in the lazy river and played. We knew it was pushing lunch time, and Nolan got really cranky and upset and Bryson was really into the slides, so we let him go again and I thought Nolan would like it to, well, he stopped himself in the middle and the slide op had to go halfway down and had me climb part way up to 'rescue' him..neadless to say.. we left after that!!

On the boardwalk we found a great little place to order pizza and hang out and look for birds and ducks, it was yummy too, with our picky kids, it was perfect!

Bryson had a bunch of fun being silly trying on hats, daddy started it:

Nolan had no idea what we were doing:

Bryson the cute pirate!

Cute Chipmunk

'Goofy' mommy, hat was too small!
Goofy/mater hat..

Sheriff Daddy:
Arrg, I'm a pirate

bryson's cool light up toy, he got SPOILED rotten at Disney!!This is the most hilarious picture, bryson looking at is yummy popsicle.. love it!

Nolan enjoying the big treat also!

Wanting to share daddy's treat.. we are in trouble when he's older, he loves beer!
The 'Honey I shrunk the Kids playland' in Hollywood Studios: This was Great, both kids LOVED it!

Big super soaker bryson w as running under, hoping to get wet

slide Nolan loved
Bryson, climbing

Big ANT!

Bryson up there in that net maze, he thought it was pretty neat!

Looks pretty real, but its just a background. Fun!

Our last dinner in FL:
He thought he was so big in the booth.

YUMMY, shoveling in spagetti

Being Silly
COME on plane, we want to go HOME!!!

Batman and sidekick Superman, patrolling the Orlando Airport!

THE END.. Wiped out as soon as we got back to our truck! It was a long, but FUN week.

Disney 2011-Part 1

Hey Friends,
Many of you heard we braved a trip to disney with a 3.5yr old and 19mth old, during spring break time, and yes, if you were thinking, 'they are crazy' you would be absolutely CORRECT on that statement! We made it back safe and sound, and we had alot of fun but not much relaxation!! We are all greatful to daddy for all his hard work to get us this trip, it was a fun time overall!! Bryson had a BLAST! it was just alot for Nolie to handle and he had a throat infection and couldnt' sleep well the first couple days, the last few days were more enjoyable for everyone, when baby's happy-everyone can be happy! I have a ton of pictures, so I'll get started!

We arrived to the State Farm Welcome reception to get our tickets, eat snacks, and most important, MEET some characters!!

Nolan and I worked on this icecream Mickey:
Bryson went for the huge fruit bar:

Daddy tried out the Mickey ice cream sandwich:

Nolie decided he also wanted what Bryson had and of course, they can't share:

Now for the main event, MICKEY!! Nolan was SO excited and decided to not wait in line and run right up to Mickey Mouse, it was so cute!

Our family with a random girl who wouldn't get out of our picture, and Nolan was mad for some reason when the pic was taken.

Buzz walking in Bryson was so excited, we wait in line, get up there, and he's scared and won't even give Buzz a five, Nolan however was very into it!

Most of you reading my Blog saw this picture.. our attempt at a clever way to announce our expanding family with a sweet little girl (Sarah Paige) from a fellow South Carolina Agent they so nicely let us borrow for this fun picture...she was PRECiOUS!! (and LOVED buzz!!)


Cool Playground at Epcot the boys enjoyed, although Nolan was too little for it

This was a common site in most parks, Bryson's feet hurt, normally the kid would flip at the idea of a stroller, but there is soo much walking at Disney, he always wanted carried.

The coolest Lightning McQueen made out of flowers, so neat, Bryson LOVED him!

We met up with my great friend Katie and her son Carter and the boys really hit it off!

A small glimpse of our resort pool.. super fun..most fun for B was the shipwreck water slide, it was so fun!

After the finding Nemo ride Nolan was the only one who would pose in the shark with Daddy, Bryson was a total grouch and was scared I guess!

A cute baby bunny on the pier of our hotel, the boys were fascinated by him!

Animal Kingdom Safari:

Someone let a wild BITING animal on our safari, how'd he find me??

Dinosaurworld had a really cool arcade games and Bryson loved them, and was really good at it! He won about 6 prizes!

One of 4 prizes we had left in our room from daddys hard work!

The one night we thought we might get caught in rain, but luckily didn't!
Being onery, running around

Finally got the stroller, Nolan didn't appreciate that.