Monday, March 22, 2010

Funny Boy

Bryson is really becoming a little boy now, his talking is just amazing to me..and quite hilarious at the the same time the things he says..
Last week he was sick one day, well, he didn't act sick but anyway we have a mallard duck who was hanging around and was in the road while i was washing bottles I yelled for bryson to come see he was so excited.. MOMMY!! DUCK DUCK!! it's a duck~ then he started to fly towards the house.. he says.. YAY, he coming inside, i hug him mommy, i hug gonna give him kiss, i kiss him..he he he. All day he talked about hugging the duck, it was so funny!
Basketball has been on ALOT lately so his love for BAKETball is growing even more..and he always says.. i make a shoot mom.. in the net. he will yell make a shoot to the players on tv. priceless.
He is quite a caring big brother when he's not stepping on Nolan's belly or poking his face or jumping up and down saying BABY BABY BAAAABY BAAAAAABY at the jumper... it can make us nuts with all the craziness, but Nolan loves it.. only thing he does't like-is that bryson is starting to get stingy with the toys...he has a whole room of toys and has to have the baby's.. and will take them away.. he did however start sharing his 'yellow club' with him that must be the one he doesn't like cause that is the only one he shares.. and nolan LOVED it and was chewing on funny. The really cute stuff is Nolan will cry and he will say mommy baby cry.. baby!! he'll run to him..'it's ottay baby, don't cry, it otay. and look for his paci.. he'll try to entertain and distract him, it just melts my heart!

I can't think of all the sentences he is using now but he's really trying to talk alot, and at walmart yesterday he told us he needed a bike helmet and was super excited to pick one out. he got a cars one to match his we need the weather to stay nice so he can ride it!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Updates on Moss 1 and 2.

Wow, I feel so bad, when Bryson was little I posted updates all the time, but life is so crazy, finding time is so hard! I need to write my stories down though because Bryson is so FUNNY!

Where do I start.. first off, this kid is obessed with GOLF..and is becoming quite fond of basketball as well! The golf thing has been a daily thing since that first bday when auntie Sam got him his first set, he seriously plays with them every single day. He keeps telling me "I want eel ones mommy, biiig ones" Daddy has 2 old ones outside that he insists on using them and making me watch him and give him 2 real golf balls in the yard, but this kid can handle the big club too, he swings good and actually connects with most attempts, he's starting to make it to the road now, look out...anyone know a good insurance man!? lol.
Funny story, B and Cole were playing outside at nana's..b with the clubs, cole on his bike..and nicki and I got home from walmart to find nana's landscape lights torn up....looked like the dog had been out there.. mom had me laughing so hard because she said the boys had taken the top lights off of the base and used the bottom stick as a golf tee.. big points for creativity boys.. They are two and doing this, I hate to see what our future holds.. but from what I hear Nicki and I deserve some headache from what we did as kids.. I just can't imagine that to be true. lol.
Bryson went to his first Basketball game to watch RHS at the sectional game, and it was packed! he was alittle overwhelmed and hot and wallered me to death but seemed kinda interested but then he got skittles and that took half the game and then he was wired..and man he wanted to get his hands on a baketballllll bad! (that's how he says is..baketball mommy!) i shoot.. i shoot.. he was so excited when the game was over and he got down to the floor and made a bee line for the rack of balls, they soon were taken away and he amused himself with a water bottle lid and got under the basket and threw it up..i shoot it..i shoot it mommy watch! nice, cheap entertainment! Ever since he's talked about basketball everyday, i want basketball mommy, a big one, go wallmart ? He does have a basketball but it hasn't been really warm to go play with it, and he usually won't put the clubs down long enough anyway..
He has some funny things he says/does these days..he likes to play Hide and Seek.. HIDE? mommy hide? so we say..go hide i'll come find u..he says OOOKAY!! and runs off to a very clear open spot and stands there for a few seconds and as soon as he sees u close he will giggle and run hug you, he thinks it is hilarious! pretty cute, takes a while to get that whole concept to hide and be quiet. lol.
I wish I could think of all the funny stuff hes been saying but now that I have the time Im going blank! He will repeat anything he hears, some of his words and sounds aren't quite right but he sure tries..
hearing him say raviloi, dangerous, baby jesus, jeff and other words he shouldn't are some of the funniest..

Now..for my sweet little fire fox... he is such a joy! His huge grin and kissey cheeks as i call them are awesome, u can't help but smile. He always has to know where I am and as soon as i make eyecontact i get that big grin.. I love it! he loves to chew on any and everything he can get too, loves cups like big bro did, they are so much alike! he likes playing with his feet too. He and Bryson just love eachother right now and it is darling to watch.. bryson gets hyper and excited and will jump around him and hug/kiss him and the baby will laugh and grab at him and try to chew on his face.. I need to get some video of it. priceless! He will be 6mths on monday! AWW where has the time gone!??
Our first family pic is on saturday, i can't WAIT! i hope they turn out!! wish us luck...Im mostly worried about the wild man who can run.. so..who knows what will happen!

Here is the pic..i think it turned out great!