Monday, August 18, 2008


So, since I did such a good job telling u about our vacation mommy said I could try again! Yippee!

I've been learning lots of cool stuff lately! Mommy got some pictures of me so you can see. I am learning to drive, it's FUN even if I can't reach the pedals! I like to help mommy with laundry and putting clothes away, hangers taste yummy. I read stories to daddy when the cardinal games aren't on, I think he really likes it! I am crawling really fast now and I love to stand, I can stand with no hands for longer and longer each day, man I want to RUN really bad, we got a picture of my new frustrated face because I just want to do more stuff and keep up with my cousin cole. He came over the other day and we had graham crackers, my favorite, I had fun stealing his from him and eating them real fast before he could take it back! We have lots of fun, he hits and wrestles with me, I like it even though sometimes I cry, but I'm learning how to fight back. I've been practicing on my bear! I try to keep up with Cole, but he's really fast, I cant wait to be like him! Mommy says be patient, I will soon!

Oh ya, Mommy said to tell you guys I'm already 20lbs! I get to get a new car seat yipee!! Hopefully this weekend, I want to see the outside!! And I have 4 teeth! I got my two front teeth on the top a couple weeks ago...ouchy..but I like that now I can bite really hard! But it helps cause I love to eat, I like to try anything mommy will let me, I think my favorite is fruit, but mac and cheese is yummy to eat and fun to rub all over my tray and hair cause then mommy lets me stay in the bath longer!

Well, this has been fun, but I think I need to get back to opening all the cabinets, pounding the tv and playing in the toliet.. there is ALOt to do.
