Friday, July 16, 2010


AHHH! My baby is 10 months and it just doesn't seem possible! Nolan is just growing so fast that I can't keep up! What a joy this boy is to our life, I can't imagine our lives without him. We are so blessed! Nolan is a sweet, lovable, smiley strong willed and just a really fun boy to have around!
Nolan has been standing and' cruising' for a long time now, and is now really trying to walk and will stand up in the middle of the floor and look around wanting to move. He does great wheeling around his push toy and even came from behind the couch after finding it pushing it one handed showing off for his Nini giving her this smile and head nodd like' aren't i cool!??' we just busted up laughing it was adorable! He is so brave and unfortunately that and the magnet his head seems to have with the floor = lots of bruises, poor kiddo! he will climb the stairs, and loves to climb this picnic table bryson eats at, shown in this picture.. he also LOVES the fire truck chair, that is the #1 favorite for both of them, he likes it even more if big brother is in it, he climbs all over him.
The table, and curious brother to follow:

The firetruck chair Nolan is obsessed with:

Bryson and Nolan are becoming good buddies, there interaction is fascinating to watch. Little brother is already perfecting the role of pestering his big brother!! He is always after his food (and TOYS, wants to be with him and do what he does!!) Bryson does good for the most part, till he is tired of sharing and being wallered, then watch out. I have to watch those too close, mostly because Bryson likes to 'feed' baby red bear.. eek! (last night it was fruit snacks..yikes!) All I can say is..if having one boy didn't teach me not to sweat the 'small stuff' then 2 definately made me a pro at it!

My sweet boys:

They are really starting to look alike too (cheeks, nose and mouth):

love/hate relationship:

We do joint bath's now, unless we can get B to shower with Daddy, just alot easier on mommy, and they seem to enjoy it! Here are my cute water babies:
Nolan LOVES big boy food and has refused baby food for months(never much cared for it in general) and good thing he has 8 teeth now so he can eat about anything we all do, and he enjoys it! His favorites include: Pizza, Spagetti, greenbeans, peas, and finger foods (cereals, crackers, etc) and of course icecream! (but eats about anything 'real' and he can't be tricked he knows baby food so don't try it! ) Bryson eats at his small picnic table and he has to watch out because we have a food snatcher on the loose! You blink and it's gone! The other night he had a lunchable and I hear "ahh..mommy, get him away' and I get over there and Nolan has taken a handful of mini crackers and his very proud of himself for it! How can you get mad at those sparkling blue eyes and chubby stuffed cheeks and toothy's hard!! Then not long after Bryson had a bowl of Kix and sure enough, Nolan is right there beggin, and doesn't get what he wants so he grabs hold of the bowl and tries to get some and it dumps and gets milke EVERYwhere! he thought it was funny and liked rubbing the mess around and helping himself to the soggy cereal. Bryson wasn't too happy, mostly because he HATES when anything wet is on his clothes and his pants were drenched, he strips down when anything gets on him. funny..but not funny. lol.

Here is the food snatcher in action, just after he got caught 'stealing' of all things.. donuts:

Ice cream and popsicles are a big hit in the Mossman house, luckily Bryson is sharing pretty well. The other night he let Nolan share his popsicle and Nolan LOVED it, and took it away and had a death grip on the stick, bryson would try to get it and Nolan would screech at him like.. back of this is MINE buddy! So mommy had to step in and straighten it out. Normally dessert is icecream and both boys love that. Here is a picture of bryson sharing some icecream with his little bro:

Here is the big man eating.. we are working on 'more' and all done in sign language right now, but right now all we usually get is a wave HI a big grin or a dumbfounded look in response.. we'll keep working!
Until next time...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We're OFF to the FAIR

Bryson and his buddy Grant:
Riding a motorcycle:

The Train:



Driving a mower:

starting out on the horse:

Yummy, LEMON!

mommy and B!
The DRAGON!! eek!
Soft bunny!
In the bubble:
Nolie chillin:
Morgan County Fair came to town last week, and Bryson every day said" I want to go to the fair mommy!" so then i'd say in a few days we will so every time we got in the car, " we go to the fair in a couple days, in a couple days mommy????" So when friday finally arrived, it was an exciting day! We started off seeing the animals, his favorite were the chickens or 'roosters' as he said, and he liked petting the bunnies, they were really cute! Then next were the mowers and tractors, he LOVED those and got on several of the mowers to 'drive' and asked to ride the tractors but, that wasn't allowed! lol. We headed over to get the $17 all you can ride braclet and prayed he would get our money's worth and boy did he! You just never know how a kid will react and at first he didn't know what to think on the merry-go-round (we started slow and easy, lol) and then his buddy Grant showed up and they just went crazy going on all the rides, the bouncy house slide, the bouncey house, the train, the big slide that mommy and daddy had to ride with him and raced our friends Dana and Jason, they even ventured to the mini roller coaster DRAGON, they were a bit to short but the guy said it was okay if and adult rode too, so mommies to the rescue! Dana and I squeezed ourselves in and got beat up to let the boys enjoy the ride, and bryson's face was priceless and he was squeeling, it was so cute! There were some spaceship/motorcycles etc that were a hit also, his 'girlfriend' from school, Addy, was there and he rode one time on one with her. We saw lots of people we knew. We finished up the night with a bunch of JUNK!! taffy, strawberry lemonade and a funnel cake, yummmy! Baby nolan was along for the ride, got out to watch awhile, even enjoyed the lemon from our drink, then he was so tired he zonked out in the stroller for the last part of the night. It was great fun for us all!