Saturday, May 12, 2012

Forrest Green-Anytime Fitness Soccer Team..aka the SHARKS!!

Bryson's first year of soccer went pretty well, there were so many kids they asked if some parents could volunteer so their weren't so many kids on each team and would allow the kids more playing time.  Jeff decided we should help out, he was head coach, and i was his assistant.  The season started a bit slow, most of the kids had never played soccer before..and keeping 11 4-6 year olds on task, engaged and interested is alot harder than you would think!  We improved so much by the end of the season and we really loved our kids! 

The kids named themselves the 'Sharks'  Here they are getting a team picture taken
 The goofy picture shot..silly kiddos!  ")
 Bryson originally wanted to be goalie, and was for the first few games, he did pretty good for the most part, all it took was a really hard kick of the ball to hit him right in the face to make goalie not so fun..and he really took to running around the field and was so improved by the end of the season, i was really proud of him.
 Jeff lining some kids up for drills before the game.   (Brinlie, Carson, Kaden, Cole and Bridget)
 About to kick some balls to the goal  (cole, Brayden, Brynlie)
 Some more drills (Kaden, Cole and Brayden)
Jeff talking to Kaden, girls standing around and Brayden running after ball-our mvp of the games :)

We had a great group of kids..took a few games but by the end they were really getting into it.. even scored a few goals.. only 1 for the other team!    Fun season.  

Here is a pic with a few of our kids at our after season party at the Frozen Penguin, yummy!!  Even freezie came to see us!

Superheroes have taken over!

Meet BATMAN..  he has been a very frequent visitor to my house.. weekends and each night after school.  Look at those piercing blue eyes. 
WOLVERINE is also a very frequent visitor to the house

There is a new superhero duo ransacking the Mossman house, they even like to have friendly battles (the sound effects are hilarious, i have to add) in my living room and jump off my couches and play with toys.  I feel safe sleeping at night with this dynamic duo frequently visiting.
 Batman's identity has been revealed!!   Its Nolan my adorable curly red head and beautiful blue-eyed 2 yr old.  Love this kid!


I'm not doing such a great job with updating this blog, life with 3 is CRAZY town!! :) We had a good April, here are some pics of what our month was like:
Bryson and his mini-me.. he goes thru phases of wanting to hold baby and loving on him, and then other times he just goes about doing his thing and baby isn't much of a factor.
Nolan on the other hand, ALWAYS loves and touches, hugs, tickles and talks to his baby, it's adorable. I just have to watch him really close, he will be poking his eyes holding is nostrils or sticking his finger in his mouth and thinks it's all hilarious! Griffin loves the attention and now is grabbing and so expressive, he likes to pull Nolans curls.. it's super cute!

Bryson and I made a bunny cake for Easter, it was DELISH!! He loves to help me bake, nolan just likes to stick his finger in the bowl and lick the they both get a spot next to the mixer and each help dump in ingredients, bryson is getting really good at not spilling :)

Nolan checking out what the Easter bunny left

The Easter Bunny visited our house at naptime the day before Easter so that we could go visit family!!

Bryson loved his goodies.. this is an egg with a matchbox car

Nana came to visit

we had a fun Monster Truck Birthday Party to go to for Bryson's buddy Grant

Meet our only pet, for a long time, Bandit.. a cute little yippy dog that Avery gave Nolan for Easter :)

The boys are finally really playing good together, they love to play fight and all that too of course.. but this is how fun a big box can be...they played in this for hours.. adorable!
Big Diaper/wipe order for baby=hours of fun for boys!!

So we had a good April, can't believe it went so fast! The weather has been great, Bryson played soccer this month too, i have a seperate post to do for that!!