Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My house of MEN!

So those of you who haven't heard, we will be adding to the Mossman house of MEN..I don't know, must be some testosterone in the water around here, about everyone i know is having boys! Anyway, we saw our little man yesterday and he's looking great. Measuring alittle big like his big bro was and very active and not shy to show us his 'stuff', I saw it right away...he looks like a little froggy the way he was bringing his legs up and stuff..and we got to see him smile! i thought the pics turned out really cool:

Jeff was adamant from the beginning it wasa boy, he wanted Bryson to have a brother close in age, I think they will have a blast together, Im sure Bryson will beat on him awhile till this other guy can defend himself but I s ee some great times ahead. I told people at work, Im destined for a life of sports! I'm really excited, sure, it would have been cool to have a girl, but I love my boy so much, who could ever be disappointed with another sweet boy!? There's always next time... lool.. Jeff would not want to see me write that! ha ha

So now we are on to our biggest task, naming this little monkey! I think it may take a while to settle on a name, we both have our tastes and fortunately we have several months till sept gets here to come up with something great! :) I can't wait to see what this little guy looks like and if he's like his brother, I know Bryson will love him, maybe not at first, but it will be so fun! I feel very blessed!