Friday, March 30, 2012

MaRcH ReViEw :

The month of March was a fun one! Each boy has his own look and personality and I thought it'd be fun do do a few little pictures and stories about each one... here goes:

Oh Nolie Polie.. he is SUCH a character.. he's really talking a bunch and he's just hilarious and loving one minute and throwing himself on the floor or hitting someone the next, the joys of 'the terrible 2s!!
He LOVES boots! Today he found my UGG boots and was so excited. "TAOwboy boots mommy, TAOwboy boots!!" I say, "Cowboy boots?? You like those!!? ..."YES, YeS!! I IKE boots, i ride horsey mommy I ride horsey" "Do you want mommy to get you some boots for you?? "YYYEAH!!, i get boots.. i find horsey." So he was off trying to find his pony on a stick, LOL. He doesn't ask for much, other than candy, and his big brother gets stuff all the time so of course I went in seach of some boots for my babe, omg.. farm and home none under $54!! his feet grow so fast, i hate to spend that much on boots! so im gonna try another store and see if they have something a bit more reasonable!! :)
St.Patty's Day seems to be a big thing in J'vlle, so we took the boys up for the parade that morning, Nolan was terrified of the guns from the military and the loud engines, thankfully papa was there and took him off on his own away from the craziness!

Haven't had a pic with him in forever, he was NOT into it! stinker!

After the parade we went to farm and home to see the baby chicks.. he LOVED the baby chicks he wanted to hold them but the man at the store was watching us awful close and i didnt' want him squeezing one to death!! He loves animals of all kinds.. and constantly tells us he's a "baby doggie" which i think is just hilarious.. I always say "aww, what a cute baby doggie, i want to pet that cute doggie" he thinks its a fun game and quickly says.. NOOO i not baby doggie, i NOLAN mommy! and we both laugh!!


Bryson is growing up way to fast too, we just started SOCCER!! He's liking being Goalie, which shocked me, part of me thinks it's so he doesn't have to run as much, he gets tired super fast and turns bright red and sweaty(unfortunately he got that from me) But he's doing really good at practice wanting to be a goalie, we've only had one game, that didn't go so hot, but hopefully tomorrow will be better, more on all that later.. Here are a few pics of bry at the St. Patty's parade, he wanted to bring his halloween pumpkin since it was green, sadly(for him) we unknowingly stood at the end of the small parade and about everyone was out of candy when they got to us! It was fun Nana got to come with us this time!

Nana & Bryson

Mommy, Bryson & Nana
Daddy turned the big 4-0 on Sunday the 18th!! I had a big party bus for him and forgot to make a cake, and he wanted birthday cake icecream more, but Bryson and I thought he needed a cake so we ran to County Market and found one and got some m&m's and made a 40.. bryson is my helper, he LOVES to help me bake.. I'm thinking this boy will make a good husband one day.. im teaching him the good stuff, my future daughter in law someday will thank me, i just know it! :)

Gma Pat gave Jeff 40 scratch offs, so he and bryson did all 40 sitting her making a pile of winners and LOOOsers.. they had a lot of loosers, but still ended up with about $18 from it. :)

Aww, my sweet sweet baby. Im so in love with this boy. He is so precious, really animated and laid back (until he's overtired or hungry). I can't believe how big he is already!! He loves his thumb, i thought this picture was sweet:
love that thumb
Griffy likes his bath, this picture is him after his bath this week and he proceeded to poo on that towel from the 10 steps from the tub to his room to be dressed, stinker!!
I like bathtime!!!
All clean and dressed chillin in his bed.. such a cutie pie!! That smile melts my heart!!

Trying out his bumpo seat for the first time, he did great, seemed to enjoy it!

Here are some pics of all my boys-- the big boys LOVE their baby.. nolan says "my baby griffin" every day when i pick him up and has to touch on his head and kiss him, his friends all really like baby too! Bryson is a very sweet big bro and loves to talk to him and make him smile. Thankfully Griffin loves the attention for the most part, he smiles really big when they come near and seems to look for Nolan when he hears comotion and his voice. Its really cute, cause Bry and Nolan are big into hitting and wrestling right now, so i enjoy the sweet sides around the baby. Griffin get ready, you have to be tough whether you like it or not!!

this is nolan's lovey face where he insists on putting his head on Griffin's head to 'hug' and snuggle him.. after a few pictures and being wallered all over he'd had enough.. who could blame the poor kid!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3 months!

Holy cow, 3 months already!!??    This is just going to fast.  My sweet baby is growing like a weed!!  Griffin is just the sweetest little thing, so happy and smiley likes to coo at anyone who will pay attention to him, I LOVE his adorable little 'kissy cheeks' as i call him, if i had a dollar for how much i kiss those things i'd probably have a good chunk saved for college tuition. LOL.
The boys love him, Nolan pays the most attention to him.. he announces to everyone when i pick them up.. MY BABY!  my baby griffin, and has to touch him and poke his face and hug him, which consists of him resting the side of his head on the baby's head or face.. sometimes stomach.. Thankfully he seems to enjoy the attention.  We had one little incident when Nolan got mad at me for not letting him watch cartoons until he ate his dinner, he decided since he was mad, and mommy was pumping he'd come over and smack Griffin across the head/face.. i was so mad, but was attached, thankfully daddy was a witness as well and took him straight to timeout.  Griffin got a good pouty lip and whimper out and lucky didnt' cry when i came over to soothe him.       May have been a fluke but sunday after bath i was rubbing lotion and putting clothes on him and flipped him to his belly..and he decided to flip back, so i tried flipping him a couple times, each time he flipped back, i was shocked!  then of course i had to go down to show off his trick to dad and brothers, he did it a few more times!    I tried this yesterday after a long day at school, and he just bobbed around and puked, then layed down and slept.. Guess he was too tired!    So I saw a cute thing my friend did on her blog about her little one, and i thought it'd be nice to look back on..
LIKES:  his hands.. oh my they must taste yummy cause he can't get enough of chewing and licking those precious chubby things!  MOMMY, he luv luvs his momma!  kisses, swing, vibrating chair, paci, attention and silly voices, his animal mat, his brothers, bathtime.
DISLIKES:  being cold, puking(which he does alot), lots of or abrupt noise, being passed around to too many people, any pee in his diaper, gassy tummy, being ignored, nolan poking his eyes or stopping his swing, being too tired.or riding in car for very long

Bryson is about to start soccer, he is so excited.  Jeff and I aren't big soccer fans to be honest, but i am ready for him to get into some team activites and get out some of his endless supply of energy he and his brother seem to have!  They had such a huge turn out of kids they needed 2 more coaches, no one else would volunteer so Jeff decided instead of watching B have to sit the bench half the game, he is gonna coach! Should be entertaining!!          
LIKES:  Art-he's great at coloring and drawing, learning-hes writing his name and does good with writing letters, he loves school and his teachers.  Playing-he is an entergetic boy!  he and nolan have alot of fun running around and wrestling and destroying my house.  Sports, Candy-eek, mio liquid- he loves mixing the flavors, dr.pepper, tons of hugs and kisses at bedtime(anything to prolong), reading books, anything and everything superhero, and LOVEs getting games on the ipad-he picks things up so quickly he loves playing that with daddy.  He really loves wrestling with jeff each night. he loves cars stuff too-especially the color wonder changer cars.
DISLIKES:  listening, eating dinner-sooo frustrating, sharing with nolan his fav stuff, most meat he doesn't like, daddy kissing and embarrsing him at school in front of friends, isn't wild on sharing a room with nolan he bothers him trying to sleep and he's said several times he doesn't want to be in the room with him he is too loud and wont' leave him alone.  getting anything wet on his shirt..if he even gets a spec of water on him, he strips.. he loves being naked that kid, about every picture i have of him at home hes in only underware, LOL.

Nolan.. oh nolie nolie..where to start, he is most certainly a middle child.  He's battled alot of sickness this last year, he's seeming to do alot better, but now his ezcema is really getting bad.  he loves bryson, he says "my byson, my byson" all the time..he is really needing more attention with this new baby around.  he is talking a ton, and i think now that spring is here and he can get outside he will be really happy!  He is really sweet and funny when he's feeling good, hes just going thru those terrible twos..and he isn't ready for potty training at all yet!  My favorite thing he says is when he runs to hug my back side, i'll say lets dance.."shakey shakey shakey your booty" he'll say suuucky suucky suuucky.. soo hilarious!   and he loves to yell "playtime" and jump on his bed and run away from me and have me come after him.
LIKES: Bryson!! he will do anything he says(have i told the bathroom water/toliet paper story, AHHH), elmo, his roar(rarr) stuffed lion blanket takes it everywhere, sharing a room with bryson, TV--omg this kid and movies and cartoons he LOVES bubble guppies, diego/dora are his top requests, cereal-he love love loves cereal and it has to have milk on it, eating all the time, candy, animals-loves doggies, baby griffy, mommy, attention, playing, acting silly, being independent, his boots.. he loves those!  he has a few friends he really like, ethan, abby and jett are teh only ones ive heard him say their names.. but i know there are others.  hes very loving with hugs and likes to pretend to be a doggy lately..then says NO, i nolan.. lol.
DISLIKES:  listening, having his face rubbed or lotion medicine being put on skin, doing anything that wasn't his idea, going to bed,being told no, morning dropoffs at daycare(those are slowly getting better), veggies, fruit -unless it's a purree in one of those squeese containers, not having the channel on a show he wants sends him to crazytown and he gets mad!! 

anyway, life is crazy but wonderful, this is my second week back to work, makes me sad, i wish i could just stay with Griffy everyday!!  Our next task is to get that sweet baby in his crib overnight, it's all me being lazy and selfish, i love love cuddling him at night because i dont' see him all day and the boys are all over me for attention when we get home..and i dont want to go up the stairs in the middle of the night to get him back to sleep when he w akes up, i know, i know, im only making things harder so i vow in the next couple weeks i will start it!  Fingers crossed it goes smooth!!