Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bryson Update

Well, Bryson is about 5.5 months old and last week weighed in at 17.7 lbs! Our big guy! He's really funny, smiley and sweet and now really starting to get active. He will push himself up with his arms arching his back way up looking around and he pushes and scoots backwards in that position. He can't figure out how to move forward yet. He gets his legs up under him, like he wants to start crawling, but his head is usually buried in the floor when the back end comes up. It is pretty entertaining! Bryson is getting strong, trying to sit up but he falls over to the side pretty quickly. Making progress, so he is getting there! Growing WAY to fast, he looks like a big boy!! I told him the other day he can take his time and wait a little while for the crawling, I'm not babyproofed yet! :)

People eating or drinking is very interesting to him, he is very insistent on being picked up when he sees mommy eating, he wants the cup, spoon/fork whatever. I've been giving him a cup to play with and he really likes that. I find that he's happy with sucking on the spoon I'm using, after i get a few bites in, he gets a turn. I'm thinking this will be easier when he can eat big people food!! I see already that we will have our hands full with this guy, he is very strong willed and vocal about what he wants. Wish us luck! :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Friendly Visit

I meant to post the other day, Bryson's buddy Abby(phil's daughter) came over to visit last wednesday, it was really cute. She was a bit shy at first, just pointing saying, baaaby. Then he got in his jumper and she started to get interested and warm up to all of us. She was kissing on him and trying to climb into the jumper, so cute! Once he was on the floor she got down to play and gave him his passy then started to tickle. It was defiantely fun to watch them interact. Bryson really likes other kids now, daycare has really made him aware of people. I think we'll have to keep these to seperated when they get older!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother's Day

My first mother's day.. how special of a feeling that is! I love being a mom and I have the sweetest baby boy you could ask for! I feel so truly blessed. Unfortuantely I didn't get to go see my mom, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! I missed u! I did have a nice day(despite the yucky weather) with my sister in law and her family for lunch at a cool resturant in Alton. Then spent the evening with my mother in law Pat, and Barry and Jenny... we had a nice dinner and played with Bryson, he loves being the entertainment!

Friday, May 9, 2008

My little Flirt

Wednesday Bryson power puked all over mommy when she was dropping him off giving him his good by hugsss(many)lol... and kisses.. i smelled great with my breast milk perfume on! he he.. anyway, before I left, it was soo cute..he is such a flirt..he was sitting with his fav 'gma' there.. and his little 'girlfriend' was on her lap too, so they start smiling at eachother and holding hands.. was soo cute!! he is such a FLIRT! his blue eyes and big smile he's gonna be heart breaker.. the ladies in there laugh..and said..he loves the girls! i was like..i see that!! he's staring too early!! also, on his take home note last night it said.."Bryson and Amerea enjoyed eachothers company in the exersaucers today, they had fun jumping and babbering'.. isn't that just soo sweet!! I wish i could just watch him some during the day to watch him's awesome..

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Quick Catch Up-

It's been quite awhile since I've been able to post.. I told myself I'd try to do it each week, haven't quite lived up to that! Bryson is growing like a weed and is getting sweeter and funnier by the day. He is rolling pretty good now, any time you lay him down, he flips to the belly.. then of course gets kinda ticked after a few minutes..he has quite the temper, probably got that from daddy. :) Lately he seems to always need something to play with and needs to know where mommy is at home. I wont lie, it's kinda cute, but can be aggravating when I have stuff to do!! He's really pushing himself up on his arms like those mini's funny. Definitely has an appetite, he likes about every food, except prunes..ya ya.what kinda mom even makes a baby try those, yuck!! ha ha
Bryson experienced his first Earthquakes--2 I'm pretty sure.. nothing serious, and no damage, he slept right thru it, but wow, I never thought I'd know what one felt like, kinda creepy!
We are excited, Bryson gets two new boy cousins in the Fall! (And one TBA in Sept) Barry and Jenny found out yesterday a boy, and my Aunt Julie found out today a boy! So we are starting to build up the boys, probably about enough for a baseball team before we know it! So that's exciting news!! Can't wait!
This weekend will be my first mother's day, I'm really looking forward to it, I've always wanted to be a mommy, and it's everything I hoped for and more!!
Not much else new for now..