Thursday, June 26, 2008

Water Baby!!

Nana, Auntie Nini and Aunt Jenny visited this weekend and we took Bryson and Cole swimming saturday! He loved the water! It was his first time so I was excited to see how he would react. It was so fun to get him in hisswim trunks and hat and see how he acted in the water. He was a natural, look out Michael Phelps, we have a swimmer here! We tried out two different floats and liked them both, and especially enjoyed chewing on the plastic boat he found. Cole was cute as usual, the little free spirit running around 'nakie' was so funny, especially when he decided to 'relieve' himself on the concrete, I guess babies are alot like puppies! he he.. As you can see in one of the pics, they are just like brothers, grabbing and kissing on eachother, fighting over sunglasses, it's so cute to watch! Can't wait to get them out again. Our Florida vacation in a few weeks will be a BLAST!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

6mnth Appt.

Bryson had his 6month appointment and shots Monday. His ear infection is gone, thankfully!! He weighs 17.7 lbs and he is 27 and 3/4" long! Our big boy!! He is sporting a cute toothy (2 front bottoms) grin now. Bryson is very talkative and gabbers all the time, we are betting on the first word very soon now! Jeff is hoping for daddy, which I think is pretty inevitable, don't all kids say that!? I hope it's mama though!! he's getting the mmmmaa. stuff going, maybe I have a chance? :) Bryson is really trying to crawl, he gets rocking good and will push up to the 'downward dog' position, for u yoga fans. He's pretty good at it, and it's very entertaining to watch. He can't quite get the hang of actual crawling just yet, but he lunges forward and 'scoots' to get what he wants. Look out my baby is mobile!!

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Sunday was Jeff's first fathers day, we spent the weekend in Alton visiting with the family and Ryan, Ellen and Blake were in IL for a visit before the arrival of their new baby. Sunday we spent the day at Grandpa Gregs, had lunch and visited. It was a nice day, I think Jeff enjoyed himself. We love you daddy, thanks for taking such good care of our family!!


Saturday we took a trip to Busch Stadium. It was Bryson and his cousin Blake's very first Cardinals game! It was a very warm afternoon, so we didn't get to stay long, but we got some great pictures and the boys were real troopers! They were interested in their dads cold 'beverages' and Bryson got to try a little of my fruity slushy, he got so excited it was so cute. We took the boys into the family play area for a bit on the way out, they have a huge rug that looks like a baseball field and has huge plastic baseballs, bats, hats and gloves for kids to climb on. Bryson was very interested and seemed to enjoy himself, this might be the only time I won't have to chase after him everywhere since he can't walk. I think I should be thankful! He got to ride around strapped to his daddy for the time we were there. Both boys were very well behaved and I think we have some definate baseball fans!! :) Looking forward to many good times at Busch!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Half Birthday Bryson!!

My big boy is 6 months old today!! I cant' believe how fast time flies, it almost makes me sad, where has the time gone!? He is sitting up, getting teeth, trying a sippy cup, eating great, rolling everywhere. Now he gets on all fours and rocks back and forth all excited, really wanting to make the move forward, just can't quite do it yet. I know it will be any time now, and I'm not ready!! He gets around good rolling as it is, his favorite place is pushing his body under our couch, why, I have no idea. It is really cute and hilarious to watch him. He tries hard to get his head under there, it just won't fit--Thankfully for me! I will update with his stats next week, we have to wait a week for his appointment due to the ear infection and antibiotics, so we will update u all soon!

First Tooth!

Bryson got his first tooth !! what a big boy! It is one of the front bottom ones. Along with the first tooth, came a fever, cold and ear infection which wasn't all that enjoyable for any of us! He has been chewing and drooling like a little puppy! Thankfully, we are on the mend he seems to be feeling good and is back to his curious and fun self. This weekend I noticed he has the second one popping in right next to the other one! Luckily no fevers this time!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

1st Trip to the Zoo!

Sunday, for Cole's birthday we took the boys to the Zoo, my mom and Aunt Julie and cousin Dani came too! It was fun, unfortunately Bryson was running a fever all weekend, so sunday he was pretty tired and slept thru most of it. When he was awake he seemed to enjoy it and was in good spirits despite the heat. He tried out his new sun hat and kept in on surprisngly, he loved chewing on the strings. We tried to put him close to a goat, the goat wasn't a real fan of getting kicked by a baby, I wonder why? Cole petted/smacked them and it seemed like he really liked all the animals! It was adorable to watch, and he would point and just stare at things. It's fun to watch the kids react to new adventures! Cant' wait to take the boys back when they are a little older! The ape section that we wanted to see was closed for construction, but everything else was really neat! All the kids got stuffed monkeys as a momento for the trip, the boys were trying to chew on them and getting the black hair in their mouths, it was gross but funny. There is also a picture of Bryson trying to eat my hamburger, he loves trying to get anything I'm eating...stinker!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Colton's 1st B-day!

I can't believe my nephew Colton is 1!! Seems like just yesterday we were all impatiently waiting in the hospital for something to happen, while I continuously ran to the bathroom with morning/ALL day sickness from Bryson.. It was a great birthday celebration, my sister made an adorable cake and had a cookout and there lots of family friends and a room full of presents.. the kids were in heaven. Cole was a little ham, and loved all the attention, it was so fun to see him eat his cake and get excited for his new toys and books. He is an amazing kid! Happy Birthday Cole!! We love you!!!

1st tooth!!

Bryson popped thru his first tooth last thursday! Yippee for the big boy!! Unfortunately, he's been pretty uncomfortable. Had a high fever for several days and his gums were pretty sensitive. He seems to be doing better now, working on fighting a cold.
I'll try to get a picture when he ever lets me look in his mouth!!