Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Tie Wrap UP


Apparently the end of the year got pretty busy and I forgot  the last 4 Month by Month Tie pictures I didn't do the 1 year because I have birthday pictures coming up next!    Wow what a year, this little guy is not so little, so funny, fun and just plain ADORABLE!  I mean, look at those cheeks, the legs and best of all.. the BELLY, gosh, love it!  Not sure how I got 2 red heads, but I'll keep him.  Honestly, I think he is just a little morph of his big brothers an oh how he adores those big brothers.  Bryson is AWESOME, just plain amazing with him, I couldn't be prouder, he is so patient, kind and caring and tolerant of any abuse and eats up the affection and hugs/kisses Griff shares.  Nolan...ummm.. lets just say he is a bit more 'rough' with him..he contstantly has to touch him loves to squeeze his cheeks together and will push him back, etc, but he is also loving and patient alot of the time too and lucky for us he is teaching him a lot of his not so great 'tricks' :)    Especially the getting snacks out of the cabinet constantly trick!!   Griffin follows them both around and just loves them like crazy.  Seeing the bond between brothers really is something.  I'm such a lucky mommy, even if they trash my house and drive me batty sometimes, not to mention all the gray hair- they are happy, healthy, wild and sweet BOYS!!!  :)

A few videos from the end of 2012-

 SNOW!!  YAY!  The boys were excited, but they couldn't really build with the snow since it was so powdery, so they made do with sliding into piles!
 WWF, here he comes!!!  This boy loves to wrestle, it's pure fun and entertainment for all!  It just makes me laugh watching them!  I'm sure it won't be so cute when he's 3 ;)
PEEEK-A-BOO..and snacks.. this boy loves some snacks, just like his big brothers, he just helps himself.  This one is actually taken in early January.