Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wrapping up 8!

(NOTE: I wrote and saved this a couple weeks ago waiting to get pics off my camera, sad i know)

8 mths came and went like a flash.. speaking of flash.. you should see this kid crawl he is fast as lightnight and you can hear him panting with excitement as he speeds after a toy, his brothers, and his favorite--ME.. he follows me like my little 'bulldog' that he is and needs to keep momma in sight at all times for the most part.  I love my little man, but he sure makes it hard to make dinner and keep up with all his big brothers demands.. i need to just strap him in on my back, but I never do that for some reason!  :) 

Griffin is getting teeth 5 & 6 currently, his big front teeth I find just hysterical when he makes his cheesy face at me,  those teeth hurt when he bites, which is usually just when they hurt, oragel is our freiend!  Overall, he is one happy sweet boy.  Man does this boy love to eat!  Getting really big, has quite the cute budda belly that's fun to rub.  He will eat about anything you give him, he is really enjoying big kid food at dinner time, loves to feed himself!     Griffin has been pulling up for about a month and will just stand and let go on his own, he also pushes toys around the room like a champ, he wants to walk so bad, this is making me so SAD!!  where did my baby go?  this is my last one please make this time slow down!! 

Loves: MOMMY!!  all this brothers toys-especially super heroes/power rangers, banging on the tv, bathtime, chewing on EVERYthing, following mommy, 'helping' load the dishwasher, kissing/licking the fridge, getting in the fridge or freezer, feeding himself and eating in general.  He loves playing with Nolan and they crawl around the room and under the table and play hideand seek, it's so cute!   He loves pulling up on anything, especially people and patting faces and loves to tackle anyone who is on the floor.  Loves pulling my hair (and i HATE it!)  Likes putting anything and everything in his mouth, arg!  he loves playing in his big brothers room and crawling all over their stuff.  he is ticklish on his cute chubby thighs, I so love that precious laugh!!    he likes to cuddle with a bottle to go to sleep and enjoys reading and singing with mommy too :)

Hates: car rides!!  diaper changes or anything making him lay still, when he looses site of mommy, when he gets things taken away he shouldn't have, when nolan screams, not a fan of grass,   he's pretty happy otherwise!  we are so lucky!!

we made a visit home last weekend for pictures and to visit, he did great at his pics, looked so precious and was really sweet.  he enjoyed seeing his grandparents and great grandparents and aunts, uncles and cousins!    he also met his dog-cousin miss lucy, he liked looking at her, and chasing her til she yiped and he freaked out, then kept watching her, and decided to go after her and she was SO very tolerant and sweet with him, thankfully!!  she let him grab/hit/pull on her and pet her and chase her and she even licked his face a few times and he liked it, it was really funny to watch.    Nolan loved her too of course, that boy love loves dogs!!

Lil mister w/ his 8 month tie..yep.. I'm lazy, he was nakey so i just put it on his belly with no clothes :)