Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What a YEAR!

A few pictures from the last few months:

Brotherly Love:
Toy Story Party Invite!

Opening Presents, I'm 3!!
Trying to get Santa hat pics:

Cheesy boy

Bryson LOVES to feed Nolan and of course, Nolan LOVES food!!

Why do we spend money on toys, they had a BLAST for hours in this big box!

BATMAN & Robin, so darn cute! They had a great time trick o treating, so much fun!!

Cheesey face

Trying to get Nolan in a Santa hat is nearly impossible!

Wow, I know already what my New Years resolution is, Blog each month about my kids so I can remember all the hilarious stuff they do! ( even tho it should be to get to the gym!)

We have had a wonderful, fun and tiring year!! The kids are really growing up and I still continue calling Nolan a baby, even tho he clearly is NOT a baby!! He is now 15mths and is just a ball of fire! He's had some issues staying healthy lately, he had tubes last month which was great for the ear infections, but has had strep 2 times in the last month, not fun! He is really learning alot, he loves his new toddler room, he is standoffish at times but once he is comfortable he is just so fun and funny! He is not much of a talker really, but he has no problem making his feelings and opinions known!! I think his favorite thing to do right now is climb on my couch and run up and down or off of it. This kids head has a magnet for hard objects! Not to mention his terrifying falling stunt at Thanksgiving where he bit a huge whole in his tongue, which has healed fabulously, thank the lord for that! He loves to play with Bryson's toys and he loves to eat! Bryson doesn't really love sharing his stuff, but that doesn't stop him from trying! We attempted to go see Santa, he was definately NOT a fan, unfortunately, we'll try again next year! He is really fun right now and understands most of what you say and loves to shake his head yes or no and comes over to get me and pull me up to take me where he wants me to go. Nolan just loves his big brother, and watching them is the cutest thing! Especially when Bryson is feeding him snacks or they are sitting together on a mini chair watching 'toons' together, melts my heart! Those are the moments you really realize, wow, Im so blessed what awesome kids!

Bryson, my firstborn, just turned 3!! holy cow, how is that possible!?? we had a Toy Story themed bday party, Buzz cake and all, he loved it!! He was so cute with it all and was very good about saying thank you for all his gifts, he said his favorite was the piata (pinata) which was a buzz spaceship. Im so glad the weather stayed good enough most people still made it, it was a blast! He got so much great stuff, i think one of the biggest hits was the big buzz doll with the lazer lights, he was hilarious with it and wouldn't put it down for days. Jeff and I got him a Tag Jr, which he loves to use each night before bed, Im glad that was a hit, now i need so more books, im getting sick of them already!!

Bryson is super excited about Santa this year, it's just so cute that he finally 'gets it' he has asked for a Bigfoot, Batman Car and a Rocket, which the rocket was added after 'santa' had done shopping, so hopefully he won't be disappointed, cause i really have no clue what he's talking about with a rocket anyway!! :) We also have a new houseguest, our Elf on the Shelf, Ernie. Bryson loves finding him each morning when he wakes up, and he's a good motivator to keep him on task when he's really not wanting to cooperate (which can be often, lol) I wish he could get him to eat MEAT! This kid is getting so scrawny he's picky picky!

Bryson has also started the Pre-school class (not pre-k yet, late bday) he is loving it, he calls it the big kid class. He has done fabulous with the potty training and he even has been doing great overnight, he refuses a pullup so thankgoodness for me and my washer that he's gotten good with holding it all night!! It sure is nice to only buy diapers for one kid!! Bryson is so fun right now, he is hilarious, and onery and sweet and smart with the memory of an elephant. He just cracks us up with his sense of humor and how he just says things and understands so much etc. What a little boy! Its awesome to watch him learn and develop! I still think my favorite moments, other than him being sweet to his brother are when he wants to cuddle with is mom before bed or when he comes in about 530 or 6 and says i want to sleep with you mom and curls up with me. I know those moments won't last much longer, I cherish them now!

So, that is a small recap of things going on the last few months. I will do my best to start being WAY better about my updates. I love having memories in writing because Im learning quickly that having kids has not done favors for my once great memory! :)