Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bryson Stories: Chapter 1

Bryson is so FUNNY! I have to write down the stuff he's been doing lately before I forget because god knows my memory is SHOT!
First off, we all know my child is obsessed with golf, and has discovered how fun it is to watch, he used to ask for it on tv, the other day he told me to move when i was walking in front of him when it was on and he will yell 'in the hole' when they are putting and Jeff taught him to yell 'TIGER WOODS" and he gets so excited, he now insists on havinga 'tee' when he goes outside to hit balls.. 'rreeeel balls mommy, those are daddy's." So last night after bath he was watching the golfers at the whole behind the house and a guy it it in the sand trap..and he kept saying NO GOLFER no hit in the green crap.. he was confused meaning hit it on the green and not the sand trap but it came out green crap, has a hard time with his 't' sometimes! it was so funny! he would get upset when they were done and want them to come back, Jeff would say keep watching, another one will come! That isn't even all the golf stories, but just a few.. he is just something else and he has quite the swing, im praying he doesn't hit the baby one of these days, but yesterday the baby got ahold of a club and was sooo excited and wanted to eat it, daddy is brainwashing these boys.. but I will admit, its cute right now. :)

Later the birds were out, they are all over by our house and hitting our windows etc.. so he and jeff were watching these ones that flew up and were sitting on the gutter above the window. jeff said, "oh no, they are high, hope they don't poop on us!" Bryson quickly says," No daddy, bird wear diaper, no poop! " I thought that was too funny!

Bryson also likes to watch Dora, ya, i know, a boy watching Dora sounds wierd, but, he likes the music and repetion, it's funny how she asks questions he is now yelling back at the tv.. the other night it was a 3 wishes show and the last wish she asked " What do YOU wish for" and bryson yells back to her ICECEAM!! I said what do you wish for? he said.. ICECEAM mommy!! and went to the freeezer for some, lovely he can now open the freezer and helps himself, we get the little plastic cup ones that are smaller and he usually wants one Banilla and one choclate(yes they are mis-spelled, that is how he says them, so cute)

The last couple nights he hasn't wanted what i made for dinner and started to get upset and said mommy, i wanted gilled ceese(grilled cheese)!! umm..okay bryson, lets go make one.. we hardly ever have that so its funny he just said it out of the blue. so if you let him butter it and all that, and make a big deal he made it, he's a happy camper.

Putting him to bed is soo cute, u tuck him in and he says i uuuve u mommy, i uve u mommy amy.. or (daddy, daddy jeff) and he is so sweet and i say sleep tight, see you in the morning, "okay, see you in the orning, i uuuve you." I always say, 'your my favorite bryson in the WHOLE world, he smiles and says, mommy in the world, daddy, nini, tole, gama, everyone he the world" Jeff and I both can't get over how cute it is..

For now those are the few funny stories I remember, Im sure I will have many more updates on this!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Wow, it's April already and my baby is 7mths old already, where has the time gone!? The boys are really loving eachother and Bryson is very fond and protective of his 'baby nolan' and Nolan just ADORES Bryson, to see his face light up and he just squeals and kicks just dying to get ahold of big brother. Bryson doesn't like to share and always wants the baby's toy that he's playing with so we are working on that and of course Nolan wants anything he can get his hands on so he's easy to distract from big brothers' selfish mode, thankfully!!
This weekend they played in bryson's tent, and with a bunch of bouncy balls, basketballs, etc.. it was just adorable! Bryson was cracking us up saying stuff- part of the tunnel he calls is garage and he'd, get in garage, baby, get in here.. and eventually nolan rolled his way over and was looking for brother, so i pushed him in and they both seemed pretty happy. Bryson is also very into 'bears' right now.. on that subject we were playing downstairs and he says.." HIDE! Mommy! HIDE, a bear's coming and baby Nolan is scared!" and i got him a cheapo glove and baseball mit and of course Nolan wants to chew on it, bryson is not a fan of that, but he will get it out and want us to 'play catch' and then when im tired of it he'll say.. BABY, play catch.. here baby, catch! im like.. umm..NO bryson, please don't throw the ball at the baby, he's too little! One of these days Nolan is gonna have either a golf ball or seam imprint on his forehead from his wild older brother and his sports obession. Bryson is still loving his new golf clubs, his favorite is the 'cutter' he is getting better with prouncing it 'putter' which we are happy about. We are hoping the weather will begin to cooperate, he is dying to get outside to play. Every night he say.. play outside, it's nice outside mommy, we go outside. Which makes it so hard to say No, unless Jeff's there we can't always go, depending on wind and temperature cause little bro has allergies and I dont' want him sick! And it's really hard to play with them both and keep them both safe with the road so close. Hopefully our new Rainbow swingset will be here soon, we are sooo anxious for it, it's gonna be wonderful to have!
Nolan is 7 mths, saying DADA. Of course I've been trying so hard to implant 'MA MA' in his mind, it's not catching yet. lol. He acts like he wants to crawl but decides he can roll faster, so he's all over the room, or where ever he can get to something cool or to his big brother. He also has one tooth now that he'd been working on for months, so happy its finally thru, I'm sure we'll have more soon. We are starting to do more independent eating, he's not wild about baby food so im trying more puffs, biter biscuts, mashed potatoes, graham cracker bits, etc. He also is liking his sippy cup the few times he tried it, it does seem to take abit of work to get the milk out tho.
The Mossman house is always hopping and never a dull moment, we are loving watching these little boys grow up. It is really amazing to listen to Bryson try to master the English language and become such an independent and loving boy. He has his little moments of mean in him, like any wild 2 year old boy, but he really has a good heart and it just makes me melt when I see him with Nolan. Being a mom is AWESOME! Even if I'm exhausted thru most of it, I wouldn't change a thing! (Except maybe wish for a cook and someone to clean every day! :)