Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cole came to visit..

Bubbles!! YAAAY! He loves bubbles, and can say it now, along with bringing them to you wanting to play.

My WINTER coat, aren't i cute??

He found a pen, he has kitty whiskers ;)

Now he LOVES his bumpo seat, way more now than he did when he was the right age for it, he even sits and watches cartoons in it! Go figure.

They were playing IN the diaper box, one was in, the other had to be too, tight fit! lol
These little mice like CHEESE!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wild Child!

Here are some recent pics of bryson being his normal wild self..i thought they were funny.

getting ready for destruction
like daddy's shoes..they almost fit.. lol

Unpacking from CO

more to come!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We just got back from our fun trip to Colorado to visit Ryan, Ellen and the boys! I guess you call it vacation since I was off work, but Bryson is alot of work, so it definately wasn't relaxing.

Since it's been said pictures are worth a thousand words, here are a few for you to see how wild my son is:

Here are some of the boys:

A few group shots:

some other cute ones-

We miss them all already, we had alot of fun, and we couldn't believe how good the boys were going out to eat, too bad we are so far apart, we would like to hang out more often. Hopefully next time Bryson won't be so onery and hit and take toys from Blake so much, but I won't hold my breath, something tells me we will have a whole other mess of things he's doing by then we'll wish it was the little stuff again! We can't wait to get all 4 mossman boys together, that will be fun!


Bryson got to spend halloween with his cousins in Colorado, they were soo cute! Introducing:

Cam the PUMPKIN!

Blake the DINO!
Bryson the LION!
We tried to get a few of them together, this was the best i got:

We visited a whole two houses....the first one didn't go so well for bryson:
What makes a baby cry like this?


YIKES, that and a strobe light and freaky music! He went to sleep in the car after this and didn't get to any other houses! Poor baby!
Halloween was fun, can't wait for next year!

OH, and one last cute shot- cute little punkin bootie!