Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween 2009

We made Jack-o-Lanterns this year and Bryson had a great time, he was helping mommy pull out the inside slime and seeds, his face in this picture really cracks me up: Here is his artwork, he added tape and stickers, really gave the pumpkin some character, don't u think?

Here are the completed pumpkins, the one on the left is Daddy's, the one one the right is mommy's with bryson's beautiful touches.

We invited Uncle Barry,Aunt Jenny and Cousin Parker as well as 'gama' over for halloween and trick or treating, we had a great time, the boys were adorable!
Bryson wouldn't get in the picture, but these little guys look pretty cute!

Nolan and mommy, he didn't want to be in the stroller any longer
Bryson, mommy and daddy sitting on the porch with our cool pumpkins

The boys in the wagon off to get candy! Bryson had a GREAT time once he figured out all he had to do was ring a door bell and hold out his pumpkin and they would give him candy! His FAVORITE!!
Here is our little future Cardinal! He was originally a dragon/dinosaur deal but he HATED the costume, we tried at the daycare parade and he flipped out. This last minute outfit turned out cute though and he carried the bat around all night too, it was so fun!
Here is our little cutie in his bat hat and pumpkin shirt, i had to take pictures this was the only one he wasn't completely mad in!

Little Dino on our way to see Bryson's daycare halloween parade, at least one boy wore his costume!!

We had a GREAT halloween this year, the boys all looked so cute, we have many more great ones to come, we are looking forward to next year!
My boys are getting so big!! This week Nolan is 8wks! crazy!! I can't believe how fast it's gone and i'm really enjoying being home right now (minus the part-time working stuff). We have had alot of family together time lately and its been great, Bryson has been doing pretty good with a baby around, this is his favorite thing right now when he gets home and im feeding or cooking, lounging like a big boy in his firetruck chair watching cartoons.. he's also really into hats lately. Such a cutie! We started getting some good coos and smiles out of nolan lately.. this just melts your heart!

a little shy smile look.

This is brother helping feed the baby, he likes to be 'big' and 'help'.
Nicki and I were playing with her camera taking pics of Nolan, and she put them on photoshop and they turned out so cute! here is my favorite one.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bryson, my little ham, Great BIG BRO

Here's the big brother, he's taking full advantage of mommy not being able to do much and letting him eat pudding, and any other junk he could get his hands on.. smart kid, capitalize on the situation! Bryson doing his chores, getting the yard ready to bring home a new baby. Hard working boys!
This is our typical morning, he kisses the baby each day before he leaves for school, Nolan is the only family member that gets his kisses geninuely..the rest of us have to trick him and say, I don't want a kiss or hug.. don't u kiss me..and he comes running. Brotherly love!

Testing out the baby gear, looks sturdy, and he LOVES the vibrating seat we are constantly trying to remind him that he is a BIG boy now, and the baby needs that seat!

Babysitting: he loves to take care of Nolan, holding him is fun, well for like a minute, then he pushes him off, gotta watch that boy!

Entertainer: He is really into this CHEESE mommy, when he sees the camera, and likes to make that cute face.. he has my headband on too, he LOVES it, he looks like rambo when he gets it on his forehead. so funny.

Toy manager : taking care of brother's animals, although Bryson really thinks they are his--he wallers them everywhere. also note he has the vasoline in his hands.. his favorite thing to do is squirt it in his hands and rub it on the baby's head or cheeks, lotion is also a good alternative--doesn't matter what it is really he likes to help!

Product testing: These paci's are sturdy, they can withstand the toddler chewing.. he likes to try to shove them in Nolan's mouth even when he's dead asleep and won't open his mouth. At least he tries right?Mommy gave bryson some stickers to keep him occupied.. and this is what happened:

Cute baby all decorated with cool stickers :) Toddlers.. what can i say.. never a dull moment in our house

He's Here!!

Our newest edition to the Mossman Family has arrived! Nolan Edward Mossman was born Sept 15th at 10:29 weighing in at 8lbs 14oz and a whopping 22in long. It was a really smooth birth and we all made it thru well! Nolan is a beautiful sweet baby and I couldn't be happier!
Our Family--my cute boys!! Im so proud!

Bryson meeting his brother, he loves to KISS HIM! We were happy that he took an interest, the first day we brought him in he wanted nothing to do with the baby, too much going on and the iv and bed buttons were just too distracting. The next two days he really was sweet and interested in Nolan.

He really likes to touch him as well :)

Getting a close up look, followed by a big kiss for Nolan:

Cool baby, want some licorice? We have to remind him, thanks for sharing but we can't feed the baby!!

Stay tuned for some good stories about my boys and the funny things they do!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What's he been up to?

Since i was so bad about posting all summer, I posted a few pictures of the last few months of different stuff he's had fun doing...

Playing at Duncan Park with daddy:

Bryson loves Gpa's dog GUS! (and he loves him back!!)

At the Stone Gathering he loved pretending to drive
Morgan County fair, looking at animals!
Loved the ferris wheel, didn't want mommy holding him, he's a big boy don't you know!

I made it down, that was fun, he'd be saying and signing more as soon as he hit he bottom, it was so cute!
We wondered how he'd get up, but he had NO FEAR, he held up the line a bit(he's right in front of the boy in the red shirt), but he made it all by himself, he was so proud, so were mommy and daddy!

he loves sitting in my cabinets..he's getting a bit heavy for this, i hope he doesn't break them!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So, Im 35wks.. and feeling soo ready to get Baby Eddie out want to see why?

Here is me at 6wks:

and this is me today at 35 wks:

Does it look painful? Well, it is! lol... but, I can't feel to bad for myself..I think he's ready too, hes pretty cramped in there!! I have the 1st of my now weekly appointments starting tomorrow, so we are in the home stretch.. about 4wks to go..cause im measuring big so I dont think I'll make it to my due date.. but we shall see... I just can't wait to see this boy and hug and kiss him.. I'll be back with some updates on my other wild man and the cool stuff he's been up to.
Went to the doc today, I'm 1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced... so we don't think I'll make it to my due date, which i I was praying for in the first place, and he will definately induce me at 39wks if I want, so I think the latest we can expect this big guy is Sept 14/15th... crazy!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am not being a very loyal blogger lately, and so much has happened with Bryson in the last few months that I wish I'd documented, so many good and hilarious times. I am honestly awful with the baby book and all of that, it's sad, i wish it was different. I take pictures and leave them on shutterfly and dont' ever order, It's crazy how different I am now from his first year of life, it just gets crazy busy!
I have to talk about the newest stuff going on in the Mossman house, we are now currently in what we call Operation BIG BOY Bed! and it's now going really well for the first week. Last weekend Bryson decided he wasn't staying in the crib, he was constantly climbing out and it made me crazy, I was afraid he'd get really hurt, if you see his methods you'd understand. So I had daddy take off the side and put on the baby rail, the first few nights i was worried and all that and stayed in the room with him until he fell asleep, and it was taking about an hr each night.. I decided by night 3, this was NOT working, I couldn't do that and what a horrible habit to start, him needing me in there to fall asleep, plus he just wanted to show off for me or constantly check to make sure i was still in there. So the last two nights we went back to our normal routine of me leaving the room after story time. The first night he freaked out for aboug 6min, last night, he was done with the screaming by the time i got to the bottom of the stairs, so that was really great, but it was hard to walk out because he knew something was up as i was kissing him saying night night, lay down sweetheart. He gives me that puppy dog lip and says no mommy and whines.. it tugs at your heart strings that is for sure, but I sucked it up and made it out and it worked out thankfully. We made a little pallet of blankets by his bed incase he fell out or whatever and last night he pulled his pillow off the bed and decided to sleep all night on the floor. I guess it was comfy, but I felt bad he slept on the floor, but at this point, as long as he's going to sleep and happy I say do what you want buddy!
Bryson has also somehow learned this adorable but horrible puppy dog pouty face, it makes me sad but also want to laugh at the same time, hes really trying to work us! He is also now a parrott, he will repeat almost anything, except his name.. Jeff is determined he's gonna get him to say it, but Bryson is pretty adamant he's not gonna do it!
We still have a golf and baseball obession, he loves to hit everything, especially me, uug!, and is happiest with a ball, bat or club in his hand, such a BOY! He thinks animals, trucks and bugs are fascinating.. every day on our way to 'school' he looks for 'Big Trucks' and loves seeing the buses.
That's about all the recap I have time for right now, but I'll hopefully be back soon with some funny stories.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We had our 3d ultra sound to see baby Eddie on July 6th.. it was awesome, Im sorry Im just now getting to posting them! Doc said all looked really good, my placenta previa has moved, YAY! Eddie was a little over 4lbs and was about 76% for his weight at this gestation. It was so cool to see him!

Cute little face with chubby cheeks.. his nose and big lips remind us of Bryson! Alot of people think they may look alike, can't wait to see!

Big foot!!

My favorite, him smiling with his arm next to his face!

We still have around 6wks to go. that's to 39wks...i feel huge! Some days I just don't know how i will be able to go that much longer..but i know i can and our bodies really can stretch, my poor tummy with this nasty stretch marks.. luckily my sweet boys are so worth it, I just can't wait to hug and kiss him. I look at Bryson and it seems so unreal he will have a brother really soon. He is just gettting to be such a big boy now and talking so much, I almost forgot what the baby stage was like, we'll be back there soon!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Catch Up

Wow, its been a really long time since my last post, we've done alot since then!
Father's Day- went good, spent time in Alton with Jeff's family and Bryson chased Gus around, boy he loves that dog! Then the next weekend we took my dad and Amy to a Cards game and had a great time despite the loss and me looking like a lobster after! :)

4th of July-
We had a 'Stone reunion' in Glenarm, and it was really nice even though the weather wasn't wanting to cooperate, I don't remember the last 4th of July i wore a jacket or sweatshirt! We played Survivor but it never really got finished but we still had fun while it lasted! Bryson had a great time playing outside and getting all wet and dirty with cousin Cole, he enjoyed seeing all the cousins and took a nap next to his buddy Claire, they were so cute!

Last weekend we went to the County fair by our house, we met up with Phil and his daughter Abby and they had a was so cute...they loved the merry-go round of horses, Abby always had a name for her, bryson was just having fun riding and waving at Abby and was making sure i didnt' have ahold of him cause he's a big boy now and wanted to do it on his own. Mr. Independent! There was also a huge air up slide with a ladder surrounded by two identical slides, I was afraid it might be intimidating, but Jeff and I let him try anyway, he LOVED it.. he held up the line a bit, it was a steep long climb, but he did so great, and he just got up there plopped down and went right down the slide with no fear, it was so cute. By the time he got down he w as already saying more, more..he went at least 6 times..It almost brought tears to my eyes, my baby is really a BIG boy now! He also got in a jump house deal that was neat, that was pretty much all he was ready for and mommy couldn't go on much with him with baby 'Eddie' cooking in her belly. It was really hot so we got a drink and headed to see all the animals, they were a huge hit. Bryson loved the cows--moo.. sheep he petted and panted at them cause apparently he thought they were dogs, he liked the piggies and really loved the horses especially the mini ones, he even kissed one. He and Abby were so cute to watch. Then due to mommy's craving, we got some taffy for a take home treat which he very much enjoyed.

Bryson is growing up so fast. He is really getting funny, and smart-he repeats almost everything. His new thing lately is 'gosse' = gross, if he sees anything icky, on the ground, bugs, etc.. he will pick them up or point at them..gosse gosse.. its funnny. He and daddy also have been making tents which he says is 'neat' and says it repeatedly every time he gets near the table they were making the tent with, it really cracked us up because we never coached him to say that! Unlike some of the other 'unpleasant' words daddy tries to have him say cause it's funny. Hopefully he doesnt' remember any of them!
He's a huge outside kid, we really need to get him a swing set and he'd be in heaven, we decided next year would be best for that, but it makes outside time now kinda boring, but he loves using his golfclub and bat and hitting anything and everything he can find. We also draw with chalk alot, which is messy but fun. We have a new tenant under our deck, a momma duck is sitting on a nest of eggs so we are looking forward to seeing the babies soon. Bryson calls her quack.. and we try to feed her bread but apparently she doesnt' like it cause it's all still sitting there, at least we tried right!?
I have about a million stories but that would take up a lot of time and space.. so i'll save them for another time.
I should be back monday for some baby updates we get to see Eddie in 3d and i just can't WAIT! until then....

Friday, June 19, 2009

18 mths

Well, our big boy is 18mths! It crazy how time flies! I just can't even believe how much of a little 'man' he is now. Daddy buzzed his hair a couple weeks ago and he just looks so grown up, it's really cute on him, he was getting really shaggy, and was always so hot, so Im really glad we did it, and he was suprisingly good while it was being done! He had his 18mth apt yesterday, he was 27lbs(60%) and 34.5" long(90%), and he wasn't wild on the nurse or doc touching him, mainly because he hated the table with the paper, on my lap he was alot better! He is definately a boy with a mind of his own and very stubborn. We got a new little back yard pool last weekend and he tried it out and had a blast, other than when we put the hose in the zebra head that sprays water, it scared him to death! but it has a little slide and he was going down headfirst, with a countdown ..1.23 GO.. it was so cute, he wasn't scared to dunk his head at all, I can't wait to get him in a real pool! Another cool thing we did last weekend was go golfing behind the house (9holes) and he loved the golf cart, he was calling it 'my truck' and wanted to drive.. so funny! He brought his plastic golf club and ball and was having a great time, I think daddy loved every minute of it too! We are having a great time watching him learn and explore he really loves the outside, he is really learning to test us as well, he can be very difficult, but he also has those beautiful blue eyes that make it impossible to stay angry! I can't wait to see this new baby and how Bryson reacts to him! Im 26wks and he is growing like a weed, kicking and flipping like crazy! July 20th we get our 3d to see him, I can't wait!