I am not being a very loyal blogger lately, and so much has happened with Bryson in the last few months that I wish I'd documented, so many good and hilarious times. I am honestly awful with the baby book and all of that, it's sad, i wish it was different. I take pictures and leave them on shutterfly and dont' ever order, It's crazy how different I am now from his first year of life, it just gets crazy busy!
I have to talk about the newest stuff going on in the Mossman house, we are now currently in what we call Operation BIG BOY Bed! and it's now going really well for the first week. Last weekend Bryson decided he wasn't staying in the crib, he was constantly climbing out and it made me crazy, I was afraid he'd get really hurt, if you see his methods you'd understand. So I had daddy take off the side and put on the baby rail, the first few nights i was worried and all that and stayed in the room with him until he fell asleep, and it was taking about an hr each night.. I decided by night 3, this was NOT working, I couldn't do that and what a horrible habit to start, him needing me in there to fall asleep, plus he just wanted to show off for me or constantly check to make sure i was still in there. So the last two nights we went back to our normal routine of me leaving the room after story time. The first night he freaked out for aboug 6min, last night, he was done with the screaming by the time i got to the bottom of the stairs, so that was really great, but it was hard to walk out because he knew something was up as i was kissing him saying night night, lay down sweetheart. He gives me that puppy dog lip and says no mommy and whines.. it tugs at your heart strings that is for sure, but I sucked it up and made it out and it worked out thankfully. We made a little pallet of blankets by his bed incase he fell out or whatever and last night he pulled his pillow off the bed and decided to sleep all night on the floor. I guess it was comfy, but I felt bad he slept on the floor, but at this point, as long as he's going to sleep and happy I say do what you want buddy!
Bryson has also somehow learned this adorable but horrible puppy dog pouty face, it makes me sad but also want to laugh at the same time, hes really trying to work us! He is also now a parrott, he will repeat almost anything, except his name.. Jeff is determined he's gonna get him to say it, but Bryson is pretty adamant he's not gonna do it!
We still have a golf and baseball obession, he loves to hit everything, especially me, uug!, and is happiest with a ball, bat or club in his hand, such a BOY! He thinks animals, trucks and bugs are fascinating.. every day on our way to 'school' he looks for 'Big Trucks' and loves seeing the buses.
That's about all the recap I have time for right now, but I'll hopefully be back soon with some funny stories.