Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What a YEAR!

A few pictures from the last few months:

Brotherly Love:
Toy Story Party Invite!

Opening Presents, I'm 3!!
Trying to get Santa hat pics:

Cheesy boy

Bryson LOVES to feed Nolan and of course, Nolan LOVES food!!

Why do we spend money on toys, they had a BLAST for hours in this big box!

BATMAN & Robin, so darn cute! They had a great time trick o treating, so much fun!!

Cheesey face

Trying to get Nolan in a Santa hat is nearly impossible!

Wow, I know already what my New Years resolution is, Blog each month about my kids so I can remember all the hilarious stuff they do! ( even tho it should be to get to the gym!)

We have had a wonderful, fun and tiring year!! The kids are really growing up and I still continue calling Nolan a baby, even tho he clearly is NOT a baby!! He is now 15mths and is just a ball of fire! He's had some issues staying healthy lately, he had tubes last month which was great for the ear infections, but has had strep 2 times in the last month, not fun! He is really learning alot, he loves his new toddler room, he is standoffish at times but once he is comfortable he is just so fun and funny! He is not much of a talker really, but he has no problem making his feelings and opinions known!! I think his favorite thing to do right now is climb on my couch and run up and down or off of it. This kids head has a magnet for hard objects! Not to mention his terrifying falling stunt at Thanksgiving where he bit a huge whole in his tongue, which has healed fabulously, thank the lord for that! He loves to play with Bryson's toys and he loves to eat! Bryson doesn't really love sharing his stuff, but that doesn't stop him from trying! We attempted to go see Santa, he was definately NOT a fan, unfortunately, we'll try again next year! He is really fun right now and understands most of what you say and loves to shake his head yes or no and comes over to get me and pull me up to take me where he wants me to go. Nolan just loves his big brother, and watching them is the cutest thing! Especially when Bryson is feeding him snacks or they are sitting together on a mini chair watching 'toons' together, melts my heart! Those are the moments you really realize, wow, Im so blessed what awesome kids!

Bryson, my firstborn, just turned 3!! holy cow, how is that possible!?? we had a Toy Story themed bday party, Buzz cake and all, he loved it!! He was so cute with it all and was very good about saying thank you for all his gifts, he said his favorite was the piata (pinata) which was a buzz spaceship. Im so glad the weather stayed good enough most people still made it, it was a blast! He got so much great stuff, i think one of the biggest hits was the big buzz doll with the lazer lights, he was hilarious with it and wouldn't put it down for days. Jeff and I got him a Tag Jr, which he loves to use each night before bed, Im glad that was a hit, now i need so more books, im getting sick of them already!!

Bryson is super excited about Santa this year, it's just so cute that he finally 'gets it' he has asked for a Bigfoot, Batman Car and a Rocket, which the rocket was added after 'santa' had done shopping, so hopefully he won't be disappointed, cause i really have no clue what he's talking about with a rocket anyway!! :) We also have a new houseguest, our Elf on the Shelf, Ernie. Bryson loves finding him each morning when he wakes up, and he's a good motivator to keep him on task when he's really not wanting to cooperate (which can be often, lol) I wish he could get him to eat MEAT! This kid is getting so scrawny he's picky picky!

Bryson has also started the Pre-school class (not pre-k yet, late bday) he is loving it, he calls it the big kid class. He has done fabulous with the potty training and he even has been doing great overnight, he refuses a pullup so thankgoodness for me and my washer that he's gotten good with holding it all night!! It sure is nice to only buy diapers for one kid!! Bryson is so fun right now, he is hilarious, and onery and sweet and smart with the memory of an elephant. He just cracks us up with his sense of humor and how he just says things and understands so much etc. What a little boy! Its awesome to watch him learn and develop! I still think my favorite moments, other than him being sweet to his brother are when he wants to cuddle with is mom before bed or when he comes in about 530 or 6 and says i want to sleep with you mom and curls up with me. I know those moments won't last much longer, I cherish them now!

So, that is a small recap of things going on the last few months. I will do my best to start being WAY better about my updates. I love having memories in writing because Im learning quickly that having kids has not done favors for my once great memory! :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


we are on a potty mission with Bryson and I started in full force yesterday and Im not giving up like I have in the past. I'm not lucky enough to get to have the days with him so we are doing our own modified version of whatever it takes to get this child to be out of diapers before halloween, i hope that's not an unreachable goal.
So..Day 1.. he went a few times at daycare, but the minute we get into the house i take his pants and diaper off take him potty and let him pick out and put on big boy undies- I tell him, OK.. great job on the potty and your a big boy now so we have to pee on the potty and don't get these undies wet, u tell me anytime you feel like you have to go, or just go straight to the potty on your own. We added a sticker to the potty chart.. 4 stickers=prize, by the end of the night, he made the 4 so i owe him a prize today, so i gotta go get some..whatever it takes right? lol.
We even took a wagon walk for about 20-25min and he did great! which leads to a funny bryson story:
there is a cute itty bitty mouse/shrew bobbing around the road we walk on, we were having fun watching him, and he let us get really close and he just stood there trembling and bryson says.."lets pick him up mom" i said.. he's really scared, he's shaking, lets just watch him. He says.."I want to ride my bike with him, he can sit on my handle bars, he like it?" I laugh..sorry buddy your bike is at home, "lets go get it, he want to ride with me" i said, well, maybe tomorrow we will come back with your bike and look for him. "OKKKKaay" he says.. hilarious kid. then Nolan is dragging his hands over the wheel by his seat and bryson keeps telling him STOP it baby, you can't do that, and pulls his hands back into the wagon, and nolan looks at him with a nasty look and puts them right back.. no baby stop! and pulls them back in again, over and over til the baby finally just screams.. i say, thanks bryson, your a good brother, but he's so little and doesn't understand, lets just ignore him and maybe he'll stop. Im glad he's looking out for him even if the baby won't listen!! :) They are so much fun, just make life so much more fun and entertaining.
Bryson doesn't want to go to bed lately and is becoming great with excuses and stall tactics to stay up...he showed up at the bottom of the stairs last night and scared the crap out of me, i say, why are you up? "ba cause..ba cause mom, i just want to" then he sees my popcorn, i want some! so i give him a little handful and say, we are going to bed. he goes and hugs and hugs me, don't leave mommy, sleep in my bed" then he says.. i want popcorn. i just didn't eat much today." i say, oh so your hungry cause you didn't eat enough.. "yep mom." I said, well, sorry buddy, its bedtime so you can have breakfast when you get up. and I finally get to leave after a long conversation and a million hugs. Its so hard because i love his loving side, even when i know he's trying to manipulate me! lol.

Back to Potty.. Day 2! he wakes up, daddy takes him in to potty, he begs for big boy undies, but i tell him we can wear a pull up and wear some undies over it, he finally agrees. we get are on our way to school this morning and in the car hes s aying..i have to PEE..i say, hold it, we are almost there.. we get in and he sprints to the bathroom and goes potty! i was SO proud, this is huge for him! So i tell the teacher what we are doing and hope hope he continues doing well at school and doesn't forget to tell people, but i will pick him up at 430 and we will be back on our routine like last night. and saturday we will do all day at home and just focus on potty potty potty!

FInGERS crossed, wish us luck!! (more updates as the days go by!)

Friday, September 17, 2010


Party Highlights:
Bounce house slide.. so fun!! WEEE!!!
Hmm.. do i like cake? YES!

LOVED my monkey pillow pet Love the bounce house!!

My cute construction bday shirt

My baby is ONE!! Can you believe it? I sure can't, it's crazy! im not ready for this, can we freeze time?? Nolan is such a sweet, active little boy, he and his big brother are such a blessing to our lives, I honestly can't remember what we did before this. I love my boys!!
Last weekend we had a big Construction bday bash, transformed our yard and it was awesome, we were scared the weather wasn't going to cooperate but it turned out GREAT! Nolan dug into some cake, but really didn't go to nuts with it. We had to wake him up alittle after people started arriving so it took him awhile to adjust to all the people and let loose and take off on his own, he kinda looked around thinking what is going on? We had a bounce house and all the kids, even babies and parents loved it. It was really fun! My mom and sister came up to help get everything ready, i baked the cakes and made the icing and my mom went to town decorating, then Nicki and i made a rice krispie truck, it looked cute, but tasted terrible! not sure what the problem was!?? We had construction hats for all the kids with their names and a pinata with yummy candy, and treat bags filled with tool shaped bubbles, stickers, playdough and fruit roll ups..then some construction dressed rubber duckies for the littler ones! Nolan got lots of wonderful toys,golf clubs, books, some cute clothes some new seats(pb chair and a disney saucer chair), a play tent and even a trike! He really loved his pillow pet from his Nini, he just hugged and hugged it..he is a big fan of soft fuzzy things, blankets or animals....(i think he got that from me!!) . He got a big kick out of his laughing Elmo doll too! We had a great turn out and I think everyone had fun and was worn out!! I know I was!! Bryson has enjoyed the toys probably more than even Nolan has, he thinks they are all his and gets mad when Nolan tries to push his way in to play..i have to keep reminding him of whose they are!! :)

Nolan has had a great first year, and I just can't believe how much he and Bryson are alike. They are very similar on their height and weights. both in the 97% for weight, height and head(which i figured, huge heads!) Nolan is 24.6lbs, 32", and big ol chubby feet. He has 10 teeth with more looking like they are about to start the process of breaking thru, those are such a joy. NOT! He says mamma, dadda, baabba, bye, baaa(ball) will wave, and does' more' in sign language(b taught him), claps..knows the doggie and kitty in books.. loves to read, he gets excited for our colorful books with mirrors or touch and feel, and loves the sesame street baby books also. He loves animals, goes crazy if we see a dog in person and will chase it around for as long as he can.. i'd really love to take him to a zoo soon. He understands more than he can actually say and gets his point across pretty well, with that true red-headed temper. But he is just so cute with his sparkly blue eyes, red hair and chubby cheek toothy grin, it's hard to say NO.. He is obssessed with our phone! if our bedroom door is open, he goes right for it..he even puts it up to his ear and says..DAAADAAA....it's so hilarious! then he'll carry it into the other room and just yell..DAADAAA.!!! We are trying to get off the bottle, he is usually only having one, at night to get to bed.. occasionally he will get one in the middle of the night if he's really upset and mommy wants to get back to bed. lol.. he goes off and on on the sleep, he normally does great if he's not teething.. those teeth are rough!!
Bryson and Nolan are great buddies, and in true old brother style, Bryson likes to pester him. He will put him in head locks or just wrap his arms around him hugging him too hard, i've seen nolan trying to get away pulling bryson across the floor, or here him going EEEH EEEH trying to pull away, after awhile, he's finally had enough and squeals loud... I've caught him trying to kick the baby away from him when Nolan wants something he has or wants to sit in the chair with him. He also likes to feed him bits of what he has. He thinks he is quite the big brother, which he is. The other day I picked him up alone from daycare and he said, mom wait, we forgot baby nolan!!! very concerned big bro! Nolan really lights up and squeals when he sees Bryson, I never imagined watching brothers bond would be so rewarding and just plain ADORABLE to watch! Nolan is starting to learn to fight back..we were on a walk last week in the stroller and Nolan was pounding bryson in the face with a foam bat, i could help but laugh! bryson kept saying he's hitting me, you tell him to stop but he doesnt' really understand that yet.

Well, i've written a book and could go on all day..i better wrap this up.

more later!

thanks to all friends and family for helping make Nolan's birthday so special, we love you!!

Friday, July 16, 2010


AHHH! My baby is 10 months and it just doesn't seem possible! Nolan is just growing so fast that I can't keep up! What a joy this boy is to our life, I can't imagine our lives without him. We are so blessed! Nolan is a sweet, lovable, smiley strong willed and just a really fun boy to have around!
Nolan has been standing and' cruising' for a long time now, and is now really trying to walk and will stand up in the middle of the floor and look around wanting to move. He does great wheeling around his push toy and even came from behind the couch after finding it pushing it one handed showing off for his Nini giving her this smile and head nodd like' aren't i cool!??' we just busted up laughing it was adorable! He is so brave and unfortunately that and the magnet his head seems to have with the floor = lots of bruises, poor kiddo! he will climb the stairs, and loves to climb this picnic table bryson eats at, shown in this picture.. he also LOVES the fire truck chair, that is the #1 favorite for both of them, he likes it even more if big brother is in it, he climbs all over him.
The table, and curious brother to follow:

The firetruck chair Nolan is obsessed with:

Bryson and Nolan are becoming good buddies, there interaction is fascinating to watch. Little brother is already perfecting the role of pestering his big brother!! He is always after his food (and TOYS, wants to be with him and do what he does!!) Bryson does good for the most part, till he is tired of sharing and being wallered, then watch out. I have to watch those too close, mostly because Bryson likes to 'feed' baby red bear.. eek! (last night it was fruit snacks..yikes!) All I can say is..if having one boy didn't teach me not to sweat the 'small stuff' then 2 definately made me a pro at it!

My sweet boys:

They are really starting to look alike too (cheeks, nose and mouth):

love/hate relationship:

We do joint bath's now, unless we can get B to shower with Daddy, just alot easier on mommy, and they seem to enjoy it! Here are my cute water babies:
Nolan LOVES big boy food and has refused baby food for months(never much cared for it in general) and good thing he has 8 teeth now so he can eat about anything we all do, and he enjoys it! His favorites include: Pizza, Spagetti, greenbeans, peas, and finger foods (cereals, crackers, etc) and of course icecream! (but eats about anything 'real' and he can't be tricked he knows baby food so don't try it! ) Bryson eats at his small picnic table and he has to watch out because we have a food snatcher on the loose! You blink and it's gone! The other night he had a lunchable and I hear "ahh..mommy, get him away' and I get over there and Nolan has taken a handful of mini crackers and his very proud of himself for it! How can you get mad at those sparkling blue eyes and chubby stuffed cheeks and toothy grin..it's hard!! Then not long after Bryson had a bowl of Kix and sure enough, Nolan is right there beggin, and doesn't get what he wants so he grabs hold of the bowl and tries to get some and it dumps and gets milke EVERYwhere! he thought it was funny and liked rubbing the mess around and helping himself to the soggy cereal. Bryson wasn't too happy, mostly because he HATES when anything wet is on his clothes and his pants were drenched, he strips down when anything gets on him. funny..but not funny. lol.

Here is the food snatcher in action, just after he got caught 'stealing' of all things.. donuts:

Ice cream and popsicles are a big hit in the Mossman house, luckily Bryson is sharing pretty well. The other night he let Nolan share his popsicle and Nolan LOVED it, and took it away and had a death grip on the stick, bryson would try to get it and Nolan would screech at him like.. back of this is MINE buddy! So mommy had to step in and straighten it out. Normally dessert is icecream and both boys love that. Here is a picture of bryson sharing some icecream with his little bro:

Here is the big man eating.. we are working on 'more' and all done in sign language right now, but right now all we usually get is a wave HI a big grin or a dumbfounded look in response.. we'll keep working!
Until next time...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We're OFF to the FAIR

Bryson and his buddy Grant:
Riding a motorcycle:

The Train:



Driving a mower:

starting out on the horse:

Yummy, LEMON!

mommy and B!
The DRAGON!! eek!
Soft bunny!
In the bubble:
Nolie chillin:
Morgan County Fair came to town last week, and Bryson every day said" I want to go to the fair mommy!" so then i'd say in a few days we will so every time we got in the car, " we go to the fair in a couple days, in a couple days mommy????" So when friday finally arrived, it was an exciting day! We started off seeing the animals, his favorite were the chickens or 'roosters' as he said, and he liked petting the bunnies, they were really cute! Then next were the mowers and tractors, he LOVED those and got on several of the mowers to 'drive' and asked to ride the tractors but, that wasn't allowed! lol. We headed over to get the $17 all you can ride braclet and prayed he would get our money's worth and boy did he! You just never know how a kid will react and at first he didn't know what to think on the merry-go-round (we started slow and easy, lol) and then his buddy Grant showed up and they just went crazy going on all the rides, the bouncy house slide, the bouncey house, the train, the big slide that mommy and daddy had to ride with him and raced our friends Dana and Jason, they even ventured to the mini roller coaster DRAGON, they were a bit to short but the guy said it was okay if and adult rode too, so mommies to the rescue! Dana and I squeezed ourselves in and got beat up to let the boys enjoy the ride, and bryson's face was priceless and he was squeeling, it was so cute! There were some spaceship/motorcycles etc that were a hit also, his 'girlfriend' from school, Addy, was there and he rode one time on one with her. We saw lots of people we knew. We finished up the night with a bunch of JUNK!! taffy, strawberry lemonade and a funnel cake, yummmy! Baby nolan was along for the ride, got out to watch awhile, even enjoyed the lemon from our drink, then he was so tired he zonked out in the stroller for the last part of the night. It was great fun for us all!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Baby RED Bear

a.k.a.- our sweet Nolan! Here is the story: Bryson has a new bear obsession the last few months and we play this game where he says.. AHH a bear, HIDE, mommy HIDE!! and we all have to hide or whatever and the baby is usually close behind, 'chasing' us.. i starting say.. look out, there is a baby bear, a baby red bear! so its kinda stuck around at night bryson will say tha talot..its so funny!
so, my apologies but, our home internet has been down so i can't get the pictures i've been wanting to post on here.. as soon as i can i will update with some new pics of the boys ..and i got a video of bryson feeding his baby red bear icecream and it was just soo cute! hopefully i can figure out how to get it on here!

my baby is 9 mths!? WHERE did all the time go!? it's CRAZY!! Im happy to see him thrive and grow and do new things, but part of me is so sad that he's getting to be such a big boy! His is everywhere and in everything, thinks he's such big stuff. Especially following big brother all around. Our checkup appt the other day went well, he's stayed at the 22.3 lbs for the last couple weeks (88% for his age) prob cause he is so active these days, and he is a tall boy at 30.25" (94% ) so they said he looks wonderful, and we agree! he has 6 big chompers now and that little bear loves to knaw on fingers and ANYthing he can get his hands on, he has decided he isn't much of a paci fan anymore, which it just fine by us!

i promise..pics are coming!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More Stories

Wow..were to begin, Bryson is just full of funny stories lately and I keep promising myself I will write them down so I can go back and read them when he's older, but go figure, i keep forgetting to do it!
Bryson LOVES icecream, which has become a pretty good bargaining tool for mommy, ;) (should i admit that?) We buy him the small serving size containers in both 'ckocklate' and 'banilla' and he can choose one but usually begs for "just one more momma' like last night, last night after he ate all his dinner, i said yay you get ONE icecream, he picked ckocklate with whipped cream and chocolate chips for topping..(he's no dummy) so he finishes, and takes a bath and comes up with the cutest face and says ' just one popsicle mommy, just ONE!?" nodding his head (you said one icecream, so i get one popsicle too, right?) and runs to the freezer .. how am i supposed to say no..?? Im greatful for now that he is improving on sharing and thinking of others, funny story: we were all playing downstairs and he disappears and i hear some rusling going on, i go up the stairs to check, he is on his way down with an arm full of 3 icecreams and 3 baby spoons, he has the cutest grin on his face and says' here momma, dat for you, dese for me and DADDY" and walks off to find daddy all excited to give daddy his. It was just adorable! I shared mine with baby who of course loved his :) apparentlyhe was still hungry after i hear bryson saying 'stop eatin me!" i'm like what r u talking about? and i look down and the baby is just knawin on his knee! so had to seperate them for a bit, which doesn't last long because baby nolan always wants to be with big brother, and luckily big brother is pretty good about being nice and playing with his 'baby' he is VERY protective of his 'baby nolan' as well. They just make me melt watching them play together and Nolan just lights up and follows him around, and when bryson takes his s tuff he will lunge back and try to take it back or scream.. its funny! Nolan does pretty good with Bryson wallering him but Bryson is getting rougher and rougher and i have to watch closely or his gets his arms around his neck to tight.. It won't be long till there is some major wrestling going on in the Mossman house, watch out!
Nolan is doing a 'crawl and butt scoot' that is just hilarious to watch, he gets everywhere he needs to go, just isn't in a major hurry to hit the milestones quickly, which is FINE by me!! he is pulling up on everthing, his favorite is bryson's firetruck chair when big brother is watching cartoons, its so cute! He likes to just let go and will just be standing there, then plop down on his rear! He now has 6 teeth, and last week was 22lbs, hes my big guy! hes saying dadda and baba..but refuses to say mama even tho i am clearly his favorite person!! grr! oh well, in time i'll wish he couldn't yell MMMAAAMMMA all the time right!?
Bryson remembers so many things, it's crazy, i gotta watch myself! One cute story about that real quick: We were driving to Alton a few weekends ago and Jeff swerved and said, yikes I hit a turtle, and he got upset saying, daddy hit turtle!! I said no, don't worry, we don't hit turtles you tell daddy that.... so he's saying, daddy, we don't hit turtles!" the next weekend, doing the same drive in almost the same spot he looks up and says.. 'we don't hit turtles daddy!" Jeff and I just looked at eachother and laughed!
I know I had alot of cute bryson stories, but since i had the time to get on here, i went blank! i'll be back when my memory returns!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Chapter 2- the Swingset

"WOW! WOW! mommy it's a slide..and SWINGS!! " followed by shrieks and giggles.. What an awesome site to see! We revealed Bryson's swingset last night and he was in heaven! He saw something when we pulled up he said.."huh? what was that?" and was very curious so we went back to 'check things out' and he saw it and just lit up, it was adorable! He wasn't wild about Baby Nolan swinging in his baby swing, until I said "now, Bryson, thats not nice we share with Baby nolan and you have a slide and 2 swings!! then he said "okay.. and I push baby now!" so he had fun pushing baby in the swing. Nolan wasn't totally sure what to think at first then the wind would catch him and he'd do that air sucking squeal and smiled all sweet, then he went to town chewing on the straps, hes def got some growing room in there he looked just a little awkward, may need to put a small blanket behind him. Mommy even went down the slide, at first Bryson said NO MOMMY, my slide, and then he thought it was funny and kept wanting me to come up with him. He checked out the binoculars and saw some 'robins' (all birds are robins, dont u know!?) and spun the ship wheel around then he would say "push me" on the swings, then daddy would push him and he'd get going alittle high and he'd say.".no no, don't push me!" It was funny, and he stayed outside just running between both swings and the slide and hugging on daddy even when i went inside to find some dinner, he was so cute! Then we woke up this am and he said "MY SWINGSET! all excited, and ran for the door. I was by myself with the boys, so i told him ONE time, and that's it, then we have to go, so we ran out real quick and went down once and told the swingset" bye bye see you tonight" and then went off to school to tell all his teachers and friends about his cool new toy! I took some cute pics and will post them soon!
Im so glad we finally got this thing and its all assembled and even has safety handles on the ladder, he did really good with climbing it! It was worth every cent we overpaid for it! lol. :) Friends come visit and play soon!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bryson Stories: Chapter 1

Bryson is so FUNNY! I have to write down the stuff he's been doing lately before I forget because god knows my memory is SHOT!
First off, we all know my child is obsessed with golf, and has discovered how fun it is to watch, he used to ask for it on tv, the other day he told me to move when i was walking in front of him when it was on and he will yell 'in the hole' when they are putting and Jeff taught him to yell 'TIGER WOODS" and he gets so excited, he now insists on havinga 'tee' when he goes outside to hit balls.. 'rreeeel balls mommy, those are daddy's." So last night after bath he was watching the golfers at the whole behind the house and a guy it it in the sand trap..and he kept saying NO GOLFER no hit in the green crap.. he was confused meaning hit it on the green and not the sand trap but it came out green crap, has a hard time with his 't' sometimes! it was so funny! he would get upset when they were done and want them to come back, Jeff would say keep watching, another one will come! That isn't even all the golf stories, but just a few.. he is just something else and he has quite the swing, im praying he doesn't hit the baby one of these days, but yesterday the baby got ahold of a club and was sooo excited and wanted to eat it, daddy is brainwashing these boys.. but I will admit, its cute right now. :)

Later the birds were out, they are all over by our house and hitting our windows etc.. so he and jeff were watching these ones that flew up and were sitting on the gutter above the window. jeff said, "oh no, they are high, hope they don't poop on us!" Bryson quickly says," No daddy, bird wear diaper, no poop! " I thought that was too funny!

Bryson also likes to watch Dora, ya, i know, a boy watching Dora sounds wierd, but, he likes the music and repetion, it's funny how she asks questions he is now yelling back at the tv.. the other night it was a 3 wishes show and the last wish she asked " What do YOU wish for" and bryson yells back to her ICECEAM!! I said what do you wish for? he said.. ICECEAM mommy!! and went to the freeezer for some, lovely he can now open the freezer and helps himself, we get the little plastic cup ones that are smaller and he usually wants one Banilla and one choclate(yes they are mis-spelled, that is how he says them, so cute)

The last couple nights he hasn't wanted what i made for dinner and started to get upset and said mommy, i wanted gilled ceese(grilled cheese)!! umm..okay bryson, lets go make one.. we hardly ever have that so its funny he just said it out of the blue. so if you let him butter it and all that, and make a big deal he made it, he's a happy camper.

Putting him to bed is soo cute, u tuck him in and he says i uuuve u mommy, i uve u mommy amy.. or (daddy, daddy jeff) and he is so sweet and i say sleep tight, see you in the morning, "okay, see you in the orning, i uuuve you." I always say, 'your my favorite bryson in the WHOLE world, he smiles and says, mommy in the world, daddy, nini, tole, gama, everyone he loves...in the world" Jeff and I both can't get over how cute it is..

For now those are the few funny stories I remember, Im sure I will have many more updates on this!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Wow, it's April already and my baby is 7mths old already, where has the time gone!? The boys are really loving eachother and Bryson is very fond and protective of his 'baby nolan' and Nolan just ADORES Bryson, to see his face light up and he just squeals and kicks just dying to get ahold of big brother. Bryson doesn't like to share and always wants the baby's toy that he's playing with so we are working on that and of course Nolan wants anything he can get his hands on so he's easy to distract from big brothers' selfish mode, thankfully!!
This weekend they played in bryson's tent, and with a bunch of bouncy balls, basketballs, etc.. it was just adorable! Bryson was cracking us up saying stuff- part of the tunnel he calls is garage and he'd say..baby, get in garage, baby, get in here.. and eventually nolan rolled his way over and was looking for brother, so i pushed him in and they both seemed pretty happy. Bryson is also very into 'bears' right now.. on that subject we were playing downstairs and he says.." HIDE! Mommy! HIDE, a bear's coming and baby Nolan is scared!" and i got him a cheapo glove and baseball mit and of course Nolan wants to chew on it, bryson is not a fan of that, but he will get it out and want us to 'play catch' and then when im tired of it he'll say.. BABY, play catch.. here baby, catch! im like.. umm..NO bryson, please don't throw the ball at the baby, he's too little! One of these days Nolan is gonna have either a golf ball or seam imprint on his forehead from his wild older brother and his sports obession. Bryson is still loving his new golf clubs, his favorite is the 'cutter' he is getting better with prouncing it 'putter' which we are happy about. We are hoping the weather will begin to cooperate, he is dying to get outside to play. Every night he say.. play outside, it's nice outside mommy, we go outside. Which makes it so hard to say No, unless Jeff's there we can't always go, depending on wind and temperature cause little bro has allergies and I dont' want him sick! And it's really hard to play with them both and keep them both safe with the road so close. Hopefully our new Rainbow swingset will be here soon, we are sooo anxious for it, it's gonna be wonderful to have!
Nolan is 7 mths, saying DADA. Of course I've been trying so hard to implant 'MA MA' in his mind, it's not catching yet. lol. He acts like he wants to crawl but decides he can roll faster, so he's all over the room, or where ever he can get to something cool or to his big brother. He also has one tooth now that he'd been working on for months, so happy its finally thru, I'm sure we'll have more soon. We are starting to do more independent eating, he's not wild about baby food so im trying more puffs, biter biscuts, mashed potatoes, graham cracker bits, etc. He also is liking his sippy cup the few times he tried it, it does seem to take abit of work to get the milk out tho.
The Mossman house is always hopping and never a dull moment, we are loving watching these little boys grow up. It is really amazing to listen to Bryson try to master the English language and become such an independent and loving boy. He has his little moments of mean in him, like any wild 2 year old boy, but he really has a good heart and it just makes me melt when I see him with Nolan. Being a mom is AWESOME! Even if I'm exhausted thru most of it, I wouldn't change a thing! (Except maybe wish for a cook and someone to clean every day! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Funny Boy

Bryson is really becoming a little boy now, his talking is just amazing to me..and quite hilarious at the the same time the things he says..
Last week he was sick one day, well, he didn't act sick but anyway we have a mallard duck who was hanging around and was in the road while i was washing bottles I yelled for bryson to come see he was so excited.. MOMMY!! DUCK DUCK!! it's a duck~ then he started to fly towards the house.. he says.. YAY, he coming inside, i hug him mommy, i hug him..im gonna give him kiss, i kiss him..he he he. All day he talked about hugging the duck, it was so funny!
Basketball has been on ALOT lately so his love for BAKETball is growing even more..and he always says.. i make a shoot mom.. in the net. he will yell make a shoot to the players on tv. priceless.
He is quite a caring big brother when he's not stepping on Nolan's belly or poking his face or jumping up and down saying BABY BABY BAAAABY BAAAAAABY at the jumper... it can make us nuts with all the craziness, but Nolan loves it.. only thing he does't like-is that bryson is starting to get stingy with the toys...he has a whole room of toys and has to have the baby's.. and will take them away.. he did however start sharing his 'yellow club' with him that must be the one he doesn't like cause that is the only one he shares.. and nolan LOVED it and was chewing on it..so funny. The really cute stuff is Nolan will cry and he will say mommy baby cry.. baby!! he'll run to him..'it's ottay baby, don't cry, it otay. and look for his paci.. he'll try to entertain and distract him, it just melts my heart!

I can't think of all the sentences he is using now but he's really trying to talk alot, and at walmart yesterday he told us he needed a bike helmet and was super excited to pick one out. he got a cars one to match his bike..now we need the weather to stay nice so he can ride it!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Updates on Moss 1 and 2.

Wow, I feel so bad, when Bryson was little I posted updates all the time, but life is so crazy, finding time is so hard! I need to write my stories down though because Bryson is so FUNNY!

Where do I start.. first off, this kid is obessed with GOLF..and is becoming quite fond of basketball as well! The golf thing has been a daily thing since that first bday when auntie Sam got him his first set, he seriously plays with them every single day. He keeps telling me "I want eel ones mommy, biiig ones" Daddy has 2 old ones outside that he insists on using them and making me watch him and give him 2 real golf balls in the yard, but this kid can handle the big club too, he swings good and actually connects with most attempts, he's starting to make it to the road now, look out...anyone know a good insurance man!? lol.
Funny story, B and Cole were playing outside at nana's..b with the clubs, cole on his bike..and nicki and I got home from walmart to find nana's landscape lights torn up....looked like the dog had been out there.. mom had me laughing so hard because she said the boys had taken the top lights off of the base and used the bottom stick as a golf tee.. big points for creativity boys.. They are two and doing this, I hate to see what our future holds.. but from what I hear Nicki and I deserve some headache from what we did as kids.. I just can't imagine that to be true. lol.
Bryson went to his first Basketball game to watch RHS at the sectional game, and it was packed! he was alittle overwhelmed and hot and wallered me to death but seemed kinda interested but then he got skittles and that took half the game and then he was wired..and man he wanted to get his hands on a baketballllll bad! (that's how he says is..baketball mommy!) i shoot.. i shoot.. he was so excited when the game was over and he got down to the floor and made a bee line for the rack of balls, they soon were taken away and he amused himself with a water bottle lid and got under the basket and threw it up..i shoot it..i shoot it mommy watch! nice, cheap entertainment! Ever since he's talked about basketball everyday, i want basketball mommy, a big one, go wallmart ? He does have a basketball but it hasn't been really warm to go play with it, and he usually won't put the clubs down long enough anyway..
He has some funny things he says/does these days..he likes to play Hide and Seek.. HIDE? mommy hide? so we say..go hide i'll come find u..he says OOOKAY!! and runs off to a very clear open spot and stands there for a few seconds and as soon as he sees u close he will giggle and run hug you, he thinks it is hilarious! pretty cute, takes a while to get that whole concept to hide and be quiet. lol.
I wish I could think of all the funny stuff hes been saying but now that I have the time Im going blank! He will repeat anything he hears, some of his words and sounds aren't quite right but he sure tries..
hearing him say raviloi, dangerous, baby jesus, jeff and other words he shouldn't are some of the funniest..

Now..for my sweet little fire fox... he is such a joy! His huge grin and kissey cheeks as i call them are awesome, u can't help but smile. He always has to know where I am and as soon as i make eyecontact i get that big grin.. I love it! he loves to chew on any and everything he can get too, loves cups like big bro did, they are so much alike! he likes playing with his feet too. He and Bryson just love eachother right now and it is darling to watch.. bryson gets hyper and excited and will jump around him and hug/kiss him and the baby will laugh and grab at him and try to chew on his face.. I need to get some video of it. priceless! He will be 6mths on monday! AWW where has the time gone!??
Our first family pic is on saturday, i can't WAIT! i hope they turn out!! wish us luck...Im mostly worried about the wild man who can run.. so..who knows what will happen!

Here is the pic..i think it turned out great!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm leaving on a Jet Plane!

Nolan got his very first plane experience, here he is with daddy excited for what's to come!Here's the fam all together on our way to vist Ry, Ellen, Blake and Cam!

Mommy and her boys! They were so good! Nolan pretty much slept the whole way it was so early in the am. Bryson impressed me, with being so good, now, checking thru security and them taking his 'monkey' away, didn't set well with him, and he let us know! It all started when he got hit in the head in line by a guy's suitcase, yikes! Luckily, the trip was smooth from then on! The boys and I actually all ended up napping together before we landed!
Here is a picture of Aunt Ellen, Nolan and Cam! She loves her Nolie, and wants his hair, who wouldn't hes so cute! :) We miss you guys!
Bryson and Blake are buddies, they had fun playing- the big hit was balloons over the pool table, they also loved jumping off the ottoman into pillows..and they went to play alittle basketball too..best of all-- we had no fights! YAY! We only wish we were all closer so they could play more.

What a great trip and congrats to Uncle Ryan on his promotion to Major, we are proud of you, can't wait to see you all again, hopefully very soon!


So, it's already February and I have an almost 5mth old and a 2yr old, WILD, where has the time gone?? They are growing up overnight and I can't keep up.. I will just update you with a few of the fun and silly stuff going on around the house!
Nolan was baptised last month, I have tons of pictures, might make a seperate post about it a bit later- he looked precious he's one of my fav pics:
Here is our one of 2 whole family pictures we have quickly been able to get in the last 5 mths, sad huh!? I am happy to report we are scheduled for a family session in March, can't WAIT. This pic was of Bryson's bday- we took him to see Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Live since he didn't get to have a bday party.. it was a pretty fun family day!

Nolan has started foods, can u tell he was happy eating Bananas? Don't tell Pappy Stone, he hates naners! Not sure if it was so much the fruit or the having mommy sing Bannana NANNA NNNAAAS to him that made him so happy. He has been having cereal for the last month and he's tried about alll the veggies.. i just thought it'd be fun to throw in a fruit and see how it went over.. at least it was good! :)

This kid is so happy, Im telling you he is so mellow, he liked having daddy's hat on and lets Bryson waller all over him whenever he wants.. we are soo greatful for such a wonderful sweet boy!
Now, for Bryson, how much room is in here for me to type. One word. RIOT. he is so funny! This is him during our long weekend just me and the boys(and a wonderful visit from gama) when he decided that he was going golfing, but he put those down and thought he needed keys so he took my purse threw on the rainboots and headed for the door "i go bye bye mommy" ok, see you Bryson. He gets to the door. Mommy, need Keys. I need KEYS! okay, Bryson, get the keys. Soon after, Mommy, need monnies, i need monies as he dumps the few coins left from my wallet then he wanted to feed them to his piggie. Where do these kids come up with stuff?
Here is the half naked golfer. He is SOOO much like his dad, with a better swing. :) I'm sure there may be a picture or two of his dad shirtless someplace (maybe our wedding book? lol) Anyway, this kid has loved golf since he could hold a club it is so fun to watch him. Lets just hope he doesn't jack his brother in the head with that thing!
Brotherly Love: these two are so sweet! Nolan absolutely adores Bryson, and Bryson really loves Nolan, always wants to hold him or hold his hand if he cries he gets down to him..it's otay baby. then looks for me saying". mommy baby cry, baby cry!!!! " This is a pic after Nolan got bumpo seat time and Bryson thought he had to be a part of it.
Anyone familiar with Blues Clues.. well Bryson is OBSESSED with it. this is his 'thinking' chair, yep, bottom base of the car seat. ? ? don't ask? He just decided this when we were playing upstairs, he's had a notebook obsession and carrying it around for weeks now getting clues.. then he said, my thinkin chair mom..i need another clue. then he stuck his hands on his face like this and sang... thhhhiiinnkkkkkkk .. i was dying laughing!
more stories to come....