Thursday, August 30, 2012

Boys will be boys :)

The big boys are definately keeping us busy.  They are majorly obessed with POWER RANGERS! omg, they watch it daily, and play fight with all the sound effects, i'm about to ban them from watching if the fighting doesn't calm down.  These boys have a love/hit realtionship.. they love playing together, but bryson is really mean to nolan and nolan has a boundary problem: which is he doens't respect anyone's boundaries mostly personal space and bryson deals with that annoyance with kicking or hitting, and he gave nolan a pretty bad black eye the other morning and mom was NOT happy about that!  they do alot of play fighting and i look over to see bryson sitting on nolans head and nolan laughing and coming at bryson or chasing him, he's one tough kiddo, i tell bryson look out, he will be as big or bigger than you in no time, so be careful what you teach him because he learns from you!!  See below Golden and Red Ranger, they love these masks and swords, not too happy the swords are different because someone is always after the others stuff.  :)

power rangers
 We are in the midst of trying to intrest Nolie in going on the big boy potty.  he's almost 3, he needs to get out of  diapers, and he's about to big for the biggest size walmart carries (6), he isn't really into it.. this is the night he finally decided he really wanted to wear big boy undies, he's just scared of the potty for  some reason, i think he's just super stubborn, i'm trying not to push it.. big brother was told if he helps get Nolan potty trained, he gets to go pick out something really cool from walmart.    he's very motivated by that, and does try to motivate Nolie and also makes fun of him (which isn't helpful) but Nolie as always, will do it when he's good and darn ready.  This kid definately marches to his own drum beat!  :)  But boy is he funny and sweet too :)
big boy undies!!!
The boys love sharing a room, and really are good boys.  I overheard their nap conversation a few weekends ago and it's just hysterical the things kids talk about and how quickly everything jumps to poo poo and buttcracks.. BOYS!!    Nolan is really speaking good sentences and understands so much more and is such a talker, some days he drives me crazy with his non stop talking and questions!! 

They both love the ipad and fight over it regularly.  They both love candy way to much !!!  They both LOVE swimming, too bad we didn't get to do more of it this summer, and the good weather is about behind us!  They are both excellent with the baby, very sweet and loving.  I love seeing the relationships they each have with him.  Nolan plays with him alot, and Griffy follows him around and they are under the table giggling or whatever, it's adorable. Bryson likes to hold and feed the baby snacks. His attention is short lived, but it's usually quality.  I appreciate that they both are  gentle and loving to baby Griff!  :)  Neither like taking naps much or listening, but still do it after alot of reminding.  They are both really funny, sweet and cuddly boys when they aren't fighting, jumping off the couch, stealing snacks and trashing my house!!  Wouldn't trade these yeyhoos for the world!  :)

7 big ones!

I'm 7mths, and mom says I'm so big!  I'm 20lbs and mom is always kissing all over me, i do kinda like the attention.  She said I can try doing my own blogs now, cool!!            I have 2 TEEFERS, ouch they hurt!!  I was pretty grumpy at bedtime til they came thru I woke my mommy up alot during the night and I didn't like sucking on the bottle, or when any of my crazy friends at school were loud by me so mommy took me to dr  shania and she looked in my ears.  So, word is I got my first infection at 7mths, but that is way way better than my big brothers.  What can I say, I'm pretty awesome :)

So, I've decided I like to get to places and things fast now, you snooze you loose with people in my crew.  So I think crawling is better than my scoot/push i have been doing for awhile.  My brothers have cool toys and are always sitting in these neat chairs, so i've been trying really hard to get into them and pull up on them, just gotta get these legs working and get steady on my feet.  I've found diapers boxes are fun to get on and in also, and they seem like decent drums!    I love to chew on all my brothers toys and balls or anything I can find it usually feels fun to chew on.  Germs?  Nahh, a little dirt never killed anyone mom says, and hey- give me a break, I have another tooth on the top breaking thru,  and it's a biggin, mom tries to put this nasty gel stuff that makes me pretty ticked, I can't feel my tongue after she does it, eek!  

I've tried about every baby food, i don't discriminate, unless it's peas, not super wild about those, but i love when mom gives me puffs or bites of real food, i think i'm doing pretty good but sometimes these teeth are strong and i bite off more than i can chew, and i gag, mom has had to give me some back blows (well, alot of them) and alot of finger sweeps, and man, it really makes me mad, i mean, i can do this, she needs to cool it with taking my food i worked hard for!    i like this new cup she's trying to give me, but honestly, i prefer to just chow food down, then worry about drinks later, but it is really nice to chew on, feels good on my teeth.  straws are neat too, water is fun to drink in them!

I like: my paci, to eat, i love wipes-chewing on them is fun, i like my bath or swimming, hugs, my brothers, my friends, my aunties, my daddy and mommy is my favorite!! I like to make noise even tho know one knows what I'm saying I usually sing all the way home from daycare. I HATE the car!! It is awful, I really don't know why mom tries to make me lay flat on my back for diaper changes, pffft- what a joke! being naked is waaay better!

Dada is my favorite word, and I wave bye bye.. mom is always in my face saying momma, but i just don't want to give her the satisfaction yet, i can totally say it tho when i want.    I like smiling for her when she takes my pictures, everyone always says I'm so cute.    If you doubt this, take a look:

i love to clap!

so cute!

i love puffs

checking out the golfers

im done with smiling for pics, catch ya later


under the table is my favorite place!!

my brother loves to feed me snacks, i LOVE it!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

6 months

Pics of my cutie pie at 6mths (yes, i am WAY behind!), he was sitting up good and loves his brothers room!!  He is a super happy and sweet baby full of smiles, we all love him dearly.  He gets so many hugs and kisses!!    How can you not love that precious face??

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer Disney Trip 2012

Wow, talk about being behind on this blog!!  Here is the vacation Jeff, Bryson and Mommy went on back in June!  We packed up the swagger wagon and had it stocked up with a cooler and tons of snacks, and started on our 16 + hour journey, we made one overnight stop in GA, all seemed to be in line for a good time til Sunday and Tropical Storm debbie was on her 'rain' of terror!!  We did our best to make the most of our very wet few days together! 

1st night dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings

At the State Farm welcome reception, and he found his favortie popcicles!!

we met Goofy, he kissed me right after this

Phineas & Ferb

On to treat #2, mickey mouse icecream..hey, it's vaca, why not??

Brycie and mommy with our treats

loved jumping on the beds

on our balcony, note the beautiful background

Had dinner with my great friend Katie, who i met on the disney college program several years ago!

Carter and Bryson, instant their moms!!

making a sundae

Jeff and I

Little Kyle says, hey guys, show me that iphone game!!

off to Magic  Kingdom magic hours in the downpour rain

wet and still happy cause it was the first night and we were excited


Next day at Epcot.. shocker.. more RAIN

he was happy to get another popcicle

he was so excited to use part of Gpa's vaca money and a bit borrowed from mommy to get these cars, he loved them, and his baby brother likes chewing on them now too!!

got a 20 min lul on the rain, so we found some

much needed beer break

"Goofy" Boy

he loved going into every shop we could find...he prefered the shops to alot of rides..stinker

feeding the bird cheetos, so funny

ready for the toy story ride

future's so bright...i gotta wear...SHADES, lol

Lightning McQueen at the Stunt Show!

This was a common face after the first day, he was not happy wearing the poncho and being wet constantly at the parks trying to walk

Bry LOVED the pool, he was a little fishy, was starting to swim this day, it rained on us alot of this pool time but we decided we didn't care anymore

Last family dinner before mommy had to leave early to be with baby and go back to some work training