Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ready for the weekend!

Wheew, what a long week. Started out with a flood, which turned into a boil order for us all week and we still don't know the end date to that drama, it's NOT fun to have no water, that is FOR sure, makes you realize how much we take for granted. Then Nolan got strep, again, I couldn't figure out why he was such a bear and rude to everyone on fathers day, I definitely wasn't expecting that in summer for some reason, I thought his allergies and teeth were getting the best of him, but sure enough, he had it. He is acting so much better, just in time. The boys and I are escaping in less than an hour to head to Robinson to hang with Nana and Papa and hunt down their kitties! Then it's off to Pappy Stone's Saturday for an all day pool playing event. I'm hoping my mom made me soup, and I'm dying for some Yen Ching, the best Chinese place, yummm! Also, most importantly, I'm so looking forward to a day off and having WATER!! yay! i can clean my boys and do some laundry! And brush my teeth with running water, yippee!! the little joys in life. I just want to say a HUGE thanks to my best girl Dana for letting us come over last night and invade her shower, we were overdue for a good bath/shower, and the boys loved all of Grants toys and especially his new toad friend, 'Little' I guess Grant is the expert toad catcher, the boys thought it was so cool and Nolan kept petting him and poking his eyes, poor toad!!
Hopefully I can get some good pictures of the boys soon and get some recent stuff put up here to remember later!
I'm now 15wks, feeling a little better with the puking thing, i still occasionally do have to, but more than anything I've been having bad headaches, hopefully that will pass quickly also. Looking forward to hearing the heartbeat next week.
Anyway, Im off for my long weekend, wish us luck on the long car ride

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